Friday, September 29, 2023

Phoenix book 2 illustrations

 A batch of illustrations from "Second Book of the Phoenix" also called "Book of the Sea."

The Phoenix
Protector of Xiyu

Fang Chen
Age: 28
Commander of Xiyu

Gu Xinya
Age: 21
Fang Chen's wife

Cheng Fen
Age: 16
A female archer

Mysterious keeper of the birds

Lai Guo
Age: 26
Master of the Archives

Gu Yong
Age: 17
Master of Gu Mansion

Yuan Len
Age: 21
Female Warrior

Fang Fan
Age: 17
Dancer and acrobat

Shen Ru
Age: 17
Third princess of Xiyu

Zhan Jiang
Age: 21
Soldier at the Third Outpost

Age: 17
Princess of Beljing

Phoenix and the Pirates

Okami/Fang Lang
Age: 27
First General of Xiyu

Yuan Hai
Age: 17
Youngest son of Lord Yuan

Gu Jing
Age: 27
Widow of traitor Du Hua