Saturday, September 29, 2018

Drawings from "Outlaw's Apprentice"

Title: The Outlaw's Apprentice
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Apprentice Warriors
Synopsis: Maya is training to be an outlaw, and accidentally uncovers a conspiracy plot. She sneaks into town to take a look around and maybe warn someone, but is captured. Kelsie, Nathan, Michael and Gareth try to rescue Maya, but the goblins attack. Gareth protects the trapped Maya, until Lucius and Bob show up. Now that she is free, Maya needs to find the elusive Raven him and warn him about the murder that is about to happen. But even as the Outlaws are attacking the chancellor's caravan looking for clues, Sir Krimvar comes riding up, with Nathan's aunt Elizabeth. Apparently Krimvar wants to help the good side. Or does he?

Young Maya and Ravmirk or is it Krimvar? Or is it someone else? Who knows with so many identical young men.

Maya, the Outlaw's Apprentice.

Lucas, the Outlaw.

Philly, an outlaw Elf.

Carl, a half elvin Outlaw.

Bob, an Outlaw

Melvin, a Pegrian Outlaw.

Mathias, an outlaw. The future father of Steve from "Protectors of the Kingdom."

Beechun, a tree spirit, friend of the Outlaws.

Cederisa, another tree spirit.

Sir Ravmirk, the wizard's son.

Sir Krimvar, the wizard's son. Ravmirk's twin brother.

Seven, the wizard's nephew.

Elizabeth, the weaver.

Elvin, the Ranger's Apprentice.

Kelsie, the weaver's apprentice, and wizard's daughter.

Nathan, the weaver's nephew, and friend of the outlaws.

Morte the fairy and Elsa the half fairy, half ranger.

Michael, the gardener's apprentice and Gareth the Knight's apprentice.

Sylvia, the Fairy Queen. Future mother of Steve from "Protector's of the Kingdom."

Ald, the wizard.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Green Hero drawings


Guess what? I have drawings from one of my books! WOW! It's been awhile.

The Green Hero
Genre: Sci-fiction
Series: Justice Heroes
Hero: Johnathon Dulzer
Back Row: Devin Foresight/Flipper, Elsa Disney/Miss Wonder, Kanga Disney/Fox and Jackson McLean/Arrow
Front Row: Alan Shelman/Dream and Johnathon Dulzer/Mask.

Hero: Johnathon Alvarez Smith Dulzer
Age: Sixteen
Status: Leader of Johnny's Team and a member of the Justice Heroes
Secret Identity: Mask
Power: Shapeshifting
Family: Orville Daniel Dulzer/ODD (Father), Emma Smith Dulzer (mother), Jeremiah Dulzer/Captain Justice (brother), Katherine Dulzer (sister), Alice Douglas Dulzer (sister-in-law), Frederick Dulzer (nephew).

Name: Kanga Roo Disney (yes she is teased)
Age: Seventeen
Status: Member of the Johnny's Team
Secret Identity: Fox
Power: None
Family: Jack Sparrow Disney (father) Drazilla Disney (sister) Kristoff Disney (brother) Aladdin Disney (brother) Elsa Disney (sister).

Name: Devin Foresight
Age: Eighteen
Status: Member of Johnny's Team and Foresight Clan
Secret Identity: Flipper
Power: Time Travel
Family: Gaston Foresight/Patriarch (father) Sybil Foresight/Patriarchess (mother), Malcolm Foresight (brother), Aron Foresight (brother), Caleb Foresight (brother), Malie Foresight (sister), Nickolas Foresight (brother)

Name: Elsa Disney
Age: Eighteen
Status: Member of the Johnny's Team
Secret Identity: Miss Wonder
Power: None
Family: Jack Sparrow Disney (father) Drazilla Disney (sister) Kristoff Disney (brother) Aladdin Disney (brother) Kanga Disney (sister).

Name: Dig'notson
Age: Unknown
Status: Member of the Johnny's Team and Venessian Earth Group
Secret Identity: Dinosaur
Power: Dinosaur Power explicitly T-Rex
Family: None

Name: Jackson McLean 
Age: Nineteen
Status: Member of the Johnny's Team and Government Soldier
Secret Identity: Arrow
Power: None
Family: Don McLean (father), Phillipa McLean (mother), Martha McLean (sister)

Name: Alan Shelmen
Age: Eight
Status: Member of the Johnny's Team
Secret Identity: Dream
Power: Being able to access other people's dreams and imagine things into reality
Family: Igor Shelmen/Snakeman (Father), Fre'delthir/Fire (Mother)

Designs for the Costumes
Mask's costume. (His friends convinced him to get rid of the stocking mask)

Dinosaur and Flipper's costumes.

Dream and Miss Wonder's Costumes.

Fox and Arrow's Costumes.

That's all for Now!
God Bless You All,
The Author

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

My NaNo novel


I'm announcing my novel way in advance. :D I bet I'll fail this year though, because I don't really have time to write any more, but that's okay.

I'll try to keep my blog updated with future plotting posts, but my pile of want to do's is growing at a very fast rate and my work schedule has stolen all my time. :(

The Sons of Dragons
Book 4 in the Pendragon Saga

Shadows are lengthening over Royaume. Young Mordred grows weary waiting for the throne. Will Arthur never die? As for the young upstart of a baby, Mordred is prepared to commit murder rather then letting the infant prince become the next Pendragon. Sir Lancelot and Queen Gwen are suspicious of the unlikable boy and wonder why Arthur insists on letting him live at the palace. Mordred thinks Arthur is a fool, and is asking for death in the first place.

God Bless You All,
The Author