Doodle of the young Justice Heroes I drew in a school notebook.
Doodle of Antonio, Vietnamese and Rezo I drew on the back of a school paper.
Mrs. and Mr. Williams A.K.A. giant flesh eating squids.
Tam Foresight defending his brother.
Vietnamese Cyriacus.
Tam still defending his brother.
Cassandra Cormac
Vietnamese Cormac.
Vietnamese, Pompeii, Salsa, Rezo, Cassandra, Tortellini, Dominic, Celery, Antonio and Jacobella.
Pompeii and Jacobella
The victims of the highschool disaster.
Silda Foresight, Tina Caroaway, Hilda Summers, Tam Foreisght, Jason, Flossie and Aquinas
Ben Ruedue, Pompeii Cyriacus, Jacobella Grend Cyriacus, Salsa Cyriacus Lockwood and baby.
Four Grend brothers.
Detective from J-Dudes.
Dominic, Wenceslaus and Leo
Leo and his bodyguard
Flynn, Leo, Dominic, Wenceslaus and Josie.
Jessica's family
That's all for now.