Saturday, June 29, 2024

Commander's Guardian

The Commander's Guardian
Plot: Commanding general of Xiyu, Yao Ruogang, is not the man his father was. He spends his time partying and wasting time. Emperor Shen and General Zi arrange a plan to protect Yao Ruogang for the future of Xiyu. General Zi's eldest daughter, trained warrior, Zi Yaling is bidden to become Yao Ruogang's eighth wife. All his previous wives died in mysterious circumstances. Zi Yaling knows that she is only going to be another number in a tomb if she doesn't take matters into her own hands. But on route to Yao Mansion someone attempts to kill her and her company. Only Zi Yaling and her maid escape, aided by a strange bandit. In spite of the bandit's warnings Zi Yaling continues on to Yao Mansion. On the very first morning the servants are attacked and Zi Yaling realizes her life is in danger. She won't be able to protect Yao Ruogang if she can't even protect herself. Defending herself shouldn't be a problem, she has skills, but she cannot save herself and the people of Yao Mansion if Yao Ruogang insists on courting danger and flirting with death. Then the worst thing happens, Zi Yaling realizes that she is falling in love with her wayward lord and his remarkable household. Her sister says it's a good thing, but Yaling has come to doubt her husband and his loyalties. He has more secrets and personalities than she can count. If there is no trust, how can they survive? What is the truth about the past? Why didn't Yao Ruogang go to his father's funeral? Who are his mysterious companions? What is the truth?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Phoenix Series

Series inspired by ancient Chinese culture
Book of the Phoenix

Gu Xinya, her brother, and their foster brother, Zhan Jiang help their friend, Yaun Len, escape from an unwanted betrothal, only to find themselves knee deep in a sixteen year espionage plot, involving princes, secret organizations, and traitors.

Book of the Sea
The second book in the Phoenix series and the first in the Sea series

The emperor has ordered Commanding General and Lady Fang to bring Fang Jun as a hostage to Beljing and return with the barbarian princess to Xiyu. But when Fan suddenly is arrested and the Commander refuses to aide her, Xinya takes matters into her hands once more and calls upon the help of her old friends. Meanwhile Fang Chen turns to the matter of thwarting the hostage exchange. How can the young couple save their friends without committing treason?
Book of Ice
The third book in the Phoenix series, and the first book in the Ice series

Du Xiu has been kidnapped, her mother will do anything to rescue her, even if it means infiltrating the Nanjiean court and possibly assassinating a royal prince. Okami defies imperial orders and sets off in pursuit of Du Gu Jing. Shen Gongxin orders Yao Ju to hunt down the wayward General and kill him before he endangers Xiyu and the Xiaoan treaty. Fang Gu Xinya trails Yao Ju to stop her from murdering her sister and cousin. The Phoenix trails Xinya to stop her from leaving Xiyu. Ban Zhi defies his father to study on the sacred mountain and learn martial arts. Emperor Ban declares the crown prince no longer his son. Fang Jun continues to allude Cheng Fen by fleeing the Xiyuan court and following his brother to Nanjie.
Book of the Dragon
The fourth book in the Phoenix series, and the first book in the Dragon series

Yuan Hu thinks it's time Cheng Fen gave up on Fang Jun. It doesn't matter that everyone else is on Fen's side. Jun has tried everything to get rid of the irritating girl who has grown into an even more irritating woman. When Kan Zang arranges to hunt down the Dragon Organization in Dongyu, women forbidden, Jun and Hu sign up. Under his guise as the Phoenix, Fang Chen also comes. But the journey has barely passed into the wilds when they are assaulted, only to be rescued by Fang Gu Xinya and Cheng Fen. The quest was a trap. Not everyone will leave Dongyu alive.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Color Code Illustrations

Book 1 of the Color Code Saga

The Color Code
Plot: Best friends Egnaro Rang, Lea Welley, and Kaleb Blake are stuck in detention with three other students and an irate teacher. But when the late bus crashes all of them receive mysterious powers that make them the target of an extremely nasty woman who won't hesitate to destroy their families. Meanwhile a peculiar teacher takes on the teenagers to train them as superheroes.

The Justice Heroes of 4808
Angel, Captain Streak, Blackbolt, Spitfire, and Lord Red Fox

Lia Welley, Egnaro Rang, and Kaleb Blake on their way to school, where there lives are about to change forever
Luke Tigl, Priscilla Knip, Louis Blue, Engaro Rang, Lia Welley, and Kaleb Blake come in contact with the colored spheres after a frightful bus accident

Egnaro wakes up to discover he has fire power

Luke is tased by a man in a black jumpsuit

Juliette Ziegler confronts the parents

An unsuccessful attempt to use their powers.

Dmitri Merrill teaches the budding superheroes at an abandoned pool

Color Code? Dollar Dude?

The Color Code goes to war to rescue their parents

Luke flings Egnaro from a window

Juliette is apprehended by the Color Code

Egnaro gives a funeral speech for his mentor

To Be Continued with Book 2

Rate to Take
Plot: The Color Code is determined to track down the cure for their parents' troubles. At the same time they are all facing a new set of issues. Chris Tigl wants Luke to officially join his company meanwhile the teenage rebel is experiencing issues with his bad leg. Kaleb is avidly pursuing Angel to the point he is ignoring his friends and siblings who need him. Lea finds her perfect sister suffers from a heartache that is more than her lost parents. Priscilla is defamed by MW who barely survived the disaster that killed her father. Louis is forced to clear charges against himself or face real time in prison. Egnaro is officially mentored by Spitfire, but will he leave his friends to join the Justice Heroes?

Academy of the Unknown part 3

Cassandra, Aria's niece, and her inseparable cat outside the Swan house.

Valin collects the slave papers from Gavin

The steward oversees Mendel signing Debora's freedom papers, Aria voices proper objections and Valin glowers at his future stepmother's interference. 

The steward and Valin are suspicious of each other

Aria and Valin wash dishes and have their first mother and son discussion

Gavin and Valin have high hopes for the future. Aria is suspicious of their motives.

Merrill (or Lucas, I forget, they're identical) announces the arrival of the soldiers with the new cook

Deborah needs a lot of guards for her transportation

Gavin is reunited with Deborah and realizes she is suffering from Mine Sickness or The Fever

Deborah had been married to Gavin with Mendel's blessing only for her to be arrested the day after the wedding and sent to the mines

Valin had attempted to help Gavin find Deborah and ended up being banished to a desolate island for three years. In the end his brother brought him home. But not before the food supply had been cut off. Is someone attempting to kill the crown prince?

Enraged by Deborah's insane behavior Mendel removes Valin from the Academy, but lets Gavin remain behind

Valin is bitter over the experience, but little does he know that things are only going to get worse.

To Be Continued

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Academy of the Unknown illustrations part 2

 A continuation of The Two Master's and the Prince

Previously: Valin, prince of Perlan is left at the Academy of the Unknown as his father hopes he will turn into a warrior capable of running Perlan with an iron fist. Valin is awakened in the night by a huge monster which he attacks.

Valin ran yelling down the stairs. Gavin grabs his swords and almost impales his master, but Gailin manages to halt him

The story is only partially believed because of the orange blood on the dagger

Samuel wraps Valin's knife in a cloth

The next morning Valin finds Lucas has returned but is injured. Aria watches over him and rocks Bale

The students blame Valin for Lucas' injury.

Back row: Samuel, Merril (Lucas' cousin), Goldie, Rillian (Aria's son)
Middle row: Gailin, Caleb (Goldie's brother), Simeon
Front row: Gavin, Lilian (Caspian's daughter)

Master Jethro orders Valin to sit in the front row with Lilian and Gavin

Valin is assigned kitchen duty with Goldie and Caleb. Three nobles who should have zero experience

While looking for water, Valin finds Gavin is on goat duty, Lilian is on chicken duty, and Samuel is on garden duty

Valin is unable to get any water out of the pump

Goldie cracked all the eggs at once

Valin fires Goldie and Caleb and has Gavin come help him make a real lunch

Rillian warns Gavin that he is breaking the rules by having the students swap duties

The steward arrives with the rest of Valin's luggage

Jethro will let Valin keep one box and refurses to let Gavin help his master

Valin makes a medicine for Lucas

When screams are heard Valin finds a sword in his new box. He gives the medicine to Goldie

The same monster is back, this time it has Gavin up a tree

Jethro explodes the monster. Debris rains down on Gavin, Rillian, and Valin

Rillian, Jethro, and Simeon are mad at Valin

Valin's medicine works and Lucas is able to share his story. 

Mendel and the steward are escorted to the pavilion by Simeon
(The steward has black hair, I forgot to color it)

Mendel is interested in Aria. She agrees to marry him if he'll find a new cook for the academy

To Be Continued