Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Phoenix Series

Series inspired by ancient Chinese culture
Book of the Phoenix

Gu Xinya, her brother, and their foster brother, Zhan Jiang help their friend, Yaun Len, escape from an unwanted betrothal, only to find themselves knee deep in a sixteen year espionage plot, involving princes, secret organizations, and traitors.

Book of the Sea
The second book in the Phoenix series and the first in the Sea series

The emperor has ordered Commanding General and Lady Fang to bring Fang Jun as a hostage to Beljing and return with the barbarian princess to Xiyu. But when Fan suddenly is arrested and the Commander refuses to aide her, Xinya takes matters into her hands once more and calls upon the help of her old friends. Meanwhile Fang Chen turns to the matter of thwarting the hostage exchange. How can the young couple save their friends without committing treason?
Book of Ice
The third book in the Phoenix series, and the first book in the Ice series

Du Xiu has been kidnapped, her mother will do anything to rescue her, even if it means infiltrating the Nanjiean court and possibly assassinating a royal prince. Okami defies imperial orders and sets off in pursuit of Du Gu Jing. Shen Gongxin orders Yao Ju to hunt down the wayward General and kill him before he endangers Xiyu and the Xiaoan treaty. Fang Gu Xinya trails Yao Ju to stop her from murdering her sister and cousin. The Phoenix trails Xinya to stop her from leaving Xiyu. Ban Zhi defies his father to study on the sacred mountain and learn martial arts. Emperor Ban declares the crown prince no longer his son. Fang Jun continues to allude Cheng Fen by fleeing the Xiyuan court and following his brother to Nanjie.
Book of the Dragon
The fourth book in the Phoenix series, and the first book in the Dragon series

Yuan Hu thinks it's time Cheng Fen gave up on Fang Jun. It doesn't matter that everyone else is on Fen's side. Jun has tried everything to get rid of the irritating girl who has grown into an even more irritating woman. When Kan Zang arranges to hunt down the Dragon Organization in Dongyu, women forbidden, Jun and Hu sign up. Under his guise as the Phoenix, Fang Chen also comes. But the journey has barely passed into the wilds when they are assaulted, only to be rescued by Fang Gu Xinya and Cheng Fen. The quest was a trap. Not everyone will leave Dongyu alive.