Monday, June 3, 2019

New Book


Prince Charming Diaries Volume 2
is out.
Hopefully I figured out the publishing company alright and it is available for sale soon.

Here is the link

In addition to the revised stories I posted here on this blog there are a couple of bonus stories. A Snow White and Rose Red retelling and two short stories about Master Won and Blanche.

God Bless You All,
~The Author


  1. Congrats on publishing your book. :) I saw that "Blue Beard" was mentioned as one of the stories you retold, I was wondering do you tell the story from Blue Beard's POV or someone else's?

    1. Nope, Bluebeard is the bad guy. It's told from the brother's point of view. You know how Bluebeard's wife is always asking sister Anne if she sees the brothers yet? Well, he is the brother that kills Bluebeard. It's only a vague retelling. Little Red Riding Hood had even less of the original story in it, though.

    2. Oh right, I was just wondering if you were planning to put the character (Blue Beard) in a different light or something. Anyway it sounds very interesting. :D

    3. No, not in this retelling. In fact it didn't even really go much into Bluebeard. He was more like a side character really.

  2. Congratulations!! That is very exciting! I really liked the story of the Snow Queen you put on your blog recently. It was very captivating!


    1. Thank you Gianna. I still have to fix up a few things yet. But hopefully it won't take to long. I'm glad you liked the Snow Queen story.
