Friday, June 30, 2017

Random project

So I'm an idiot. I took some pictures today, then started transferring them to the computer, but well I was copying them into a file I unhooked the camera from the computer, which automatically deletes them off the camera. Well, I lost over half the pictures. But a few of the ones I wanted to share was saved, luckily.

I started a project, for absolutely no reason. I made a map of my entire fantasy world, Royaume. This is what it looked like before I started painting. These particular islands are Flagrin and the Naturite islands. Ghost Island is the dot further up. The dot right above Flagrin is the ice island. Trendland is up in the left corner. Nimrode is in the lower right corner. If you recognize any of these places, congratulations!
 This is what it looks like now. It's probably around four feet long, so it's pretty big.

 I didn't do this today, but I found this with my old pictures. This is the map of Crescent island, from "The Adventures of a Pirate." It's not really finished though.



  1. Wow! That map is really, really cool! So is Corkin Island on the big map?

    - Elizabeth

    1. Thank you!
      I've painted some more on it, but think I liked it better with all the islands white. :)

  2. So neat! I love maps :D

    God bless!

    Emma (or Em?)

    1. Thank you.
      I'm having troubles with the coloring for the islands unfortunately.
