Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Sword of Camelot: Prologue

The Prologue for one of my books.
The Pendragon Saga
Book One
The Sword of Camelot
Written By Emily Howard
Started on the first of November two thousand and sixteen

Before you start reading this story, let me ask you you one simple question. Do you believe in dragons? Great ruby red blood dragons. Shimmering green grass dragons. Hulking black smoke dragons. And mythical pearly white dragons. Do you believe in them? Of course you do not, who has ever seen a dragon, before? They are pure myths! Or are they?

The great seemingly endless grass moors, stretched out as far as the solitary pilgrim could see. His blood red cloak flapped in the chilly breeze, irritating him. The man pulled his cloak tighter around his shoulders and shivered. The wind howled mournfully and blew his hood back, showing the boyish face of a young man. His long dark hair blew into his eyes, temporarily blinding him. He quickly brushed it aside. He scowled up at the darkening sky and shook his fist at it.

“Oh Merlin.” he moaned, “Why did you not remember to bring a companion?” Young Merlin often talked to himself, as other people rarely did. Usually because they found him to stupid to bother with. Merlin never seemed to notice that other people shunned him like a leper, until times like this. Lightening streaked across the sky, followed by a clap of thunder. Dark clouds blotted out the sun. Merlin shivered. “I would give anything for a bit of company.” he muttered. Merlin hated to be alone. Although he avoided crowded places too.

A single drop of rain splattered on his face, followed by a clap of thunder. Merlin glanced up at the sky in dismay.
“Why rain?” he screamed, as he flung up his arms in dismay, “Why the one day I leave Napis in a warm stall, it has to rain.” Napis was Merlin's beloved companion horse, who usually accompanied Merlin on his travels. Merlin always said he did extensive traveling, but in reality he only traveled between Cornwallis, the island he was born on and his other home in the village of of Roseside. In both places there was not a single person whom Merlin could really call family. He did not even have any friends, but Merlin did not care what people thought about him, as long as they kept there mouths shut and listened to whatever he was ranting about at the moment.

Once upon a time Merlin did have a family of course. One brother and two sisters. But all four children had been sent to different schools by their parents and hardly saw each other. Being sent to school was for rich people so that did not endear anyone to him. Another clap of thunder filled the air, then the rain came in torrents, thoroughly soaking Merlin. He pulled is hood back up and started to run. At that moment Merlin decided he despised water, more then anything. If I ever get out of this rain, I shall be content with staying home from now on! Merlin thought bitterly just as he stepped into a rabbit hole and fell down on his face. Mud and wet grass splattered all over his face. Slowly he sat up, spat out a mouthful of wet grass and wiped mud out of his eyes. Then he saw two people in dark pilgrim cloaks carrying a basket between them walking towards him.

“Mortals at last!” Merlin sighed and got to his feet wiping the mud from his clothes the best he could. Then he hurried foreword to great the newcomers. One was a tall broad shouldered man with a dark beard and black eyes. He looked tired and unhappy. His shoulders were slumped, dark circles around his eyes indicated that he had not slept in a long time. His black pilgrim cloak covered his clothes, so Merlin was unable to tell what part of Royaume he was from. The man's shorter slimmer companion had his face hidden under the deep cowl of his hood. The basket that they carried between them was covered with a blanket, that seemed to move of it's own accord. Merlin instantly made the assumption that they were going to the ceremony of offerings in the city of the stewards. He guessed that the basket contained their offering. A rabbit or a chicken, or perhaps a baby boar.

“Good day pilgrims!” Merlin called, forgetting the rain and loneliness of the moor. The man grunted, but made no reply. Merlin in his usual typical way, refused to be insulted, instead he made another assumption and decided that the man had taken the oath of silence until he had burnt his offering. So he turned to the other figure. “Good morrow.” he said.
“Good morrow, sir.” a high pitched feminine voice replied. Merlin was momentarily taken aback. Most pilgrims were men. He quickly came up with a plausible story that the woman was the man's wife and to afraid to stay home by herself.

“Tis a fine day to be going to the the city of the stewards.” Merlin said cheerfully. The wind grew stronger and whipped the three travelers cloaks and chilled them. The man gave Merlin a queer look then looked at the woman, she shrugged slightly. Merlin fell into step beside the man. The man started walking quicker, his grip tightening on the basket, which let out a wail. Instead of taking the hint that he was not wanted, Merlin started walking quicker too, so as to keep abreast of the two pilgrims and their basket. “You got a noisy one in there.” he said as he nodded at the basket.
“Yeah!” the man grunted. Merlin shot him a disapproving look. He was judging the man for breaking his vow of silence, even though he did not really know if the man had even made a vow of silence.
“I thought you were going in the opposite direction?” the woman said in a questioning voice.”
“I thought you could us my company.” Merlin said calmly.

The sky grew darker and it started raining even harder. The creature in the basket started screaming. Merlin, possessed a talent in magic, but was too lazy to cultivate it beyond cheep tricks such as filling the teapot and having it fly across the room to him, or clean his laundry. Now he took off his cloak shook it out. But when he put the cloak back on, it was still slightly damp. Humph! I am going to need to work on drying skill. He thought in disgust.
“So after the sacrifice, where are you going?” Merlin asked. The man muttered something unintelligible.
“Cliffs of insanity!” the woman said, as she bent over to place a corner of her cloak over the basket.
“I heard only fools hunt for the cliffs of insanity.” Merlin said, the woman stiffened.
“And some people have no manners!” she said haughtily. Merlin hesitated, her voice sounded vaguely familiar, but he could not place it. After a littler hard thinking, he decided he must have seen and spoken briefly to her at the pilgrim light festival in his village. With that thought in mind turned his attention to the woman's rude hint.

“I am well aware some people have no manners.” he said with a sigh. “Such as your husband.” he shook his head sadly. The man grunted. The woman snorted.
“Uther is not my husband, idiot, he is my cowardly, stupid, brainless brother!” Merlin frowned. He did not like for his thoughts to be wrong.
“Kayla is my sister!” Uther mumbled, “She was adopted to be my personal slave!” Merlin froze. He strongly apposed slavery, but adopting someone to make him or her a personal slave was even worse.
“Sir, that is an extreme outrage!” he bellowed, “I will not tolerate such wickedness!”
“Merciful beings!” Kayla cried, “Surely you do not take Uther seriously. Merlin frowned. He had no sense of humor, and believed joking was another word for the stupidest kind of lies.
“Idiot!” Uther mumbled. The creature in the basket drowned out the rest of Uther's words, with renewed screams. Merlin's frown grew.
“Put a muzzle on the little beast!” he said coldly.
“I would rather Muzzle you first!” Kayla growled, she pulled the hood of her cloak even lower over her face. Uther stepped in a mud puddle, then drew back with a curse.

“What foul weather!” Kayla muttered, “Does it ever do anything else besides storm and rain on the Twin Islands?”
“Oh tis not so bad as Cornbridge!” Merlin said, is cheerfulness returning. “The city of the stewards is only five miles further from here, then you can rest and grow warm in front of a hot roaring fire, while wearing dry clothes.”
“Listen you fool, I do-” Merlin patted Uther on the shoulder, stopping him in mid sentence.
“There, there my dear sir, five miles is not quite so bad as all that.” Merlin possessed that rear ability to twist every negative thing people said about him into a compliment or some passing remark that did not concern him. He absolutely refused to believe that anyone thought ill of him. He also believed all children worshiped him, as he once overheard a young mother tell her six year old son that he would turn out just like Merlin of Cornbridge. The boy had run to his mother crying. Crying for joy, Merlin was certain. Uther groaned softly. But said nothing more.

“Five miles seems a bit far, to walk in this weather.” Kayla said in a sugary voice, “Would there happen to be any place closer?”
“Depends what kind of place you are looking for.” Merlin said cheerfully, as he pushed his damp hair out of is face. Uther and Kayla glanced at each other.
“ about the stairs of infinity.” Kayla said slowly. Merlin froze, it had been so long since someone had mentioned that place to him, but he remembered it as if it had happened yesterday.

Merlin had been only twelve, and was about to be shipped off to school along with his older brother Mordrack. His two younger sisters had been dancing and singing. Mostly celebrating that there brothers were leaving. Morgan was dark haired with darker skin, while Merina was golden haired and pale faced. Merlin had grabbed his mother's hand.
“Mama please dinna send me away.” he had pleaded, his eyes filling with tears. His mother had taken his face in her hands and whispered,
“You have a gift Merlin, do not ever forget it! You must not stay here, but go out and make your own way in the world. Be who the stars sang you would be! Make this family revered and honored!” right there in his mother's kitchen Merlin made a vow never to marry and have a family. All they cared about was the honor you could bring them.
“Never!” Merlin had cried as he jerked away from his mother and ran for the door.
“See you on the stairs of Infinity.” his mother called after him. Her words had meant nothing to Merlin, and now only eight years later, he was hearing the same words again. His mother had died two years after he had left home so he hoped it did not mean he was going to see a dead body.

“Sir?” Kayla's voice pierced through his thoughts, “Sir are you alright? You seem rather pale at the moment.”
“The man is drunk, sister.” Uther growled, “Besides, him not talking is really delightful.”
“Peace brother!” Kayla growled. Merlin shook away his memory. The storm seemed to be calming down, but the setting sun had turned the sky bright red.
“Idiot!” Uther muttered.
“Sir, are you alright?” Kayla asked gently.
“Can you tell us where the steps of Infinity and Cliffs of Insanity are?” Uther rudely interrupted.
“I most certainly cannot!” Merlin said coldly, “What do you think I am a geographic?”
“You humans are rude and puny!” Uther bellowed.
“Calm down brother.” Kayla cried.
“If you are no human, what are you, an animal?” Merlin asked as he cocked his head.

Uther flung back his hood. Merlin felt a cold shiver run down his back. Uther's eyes had turned blood red. His hands seemed to curve into claws and he started to advance towards the surprised Merlin. A loud crash of thunder stopped him, and his eyes returned to normal, at least as normal as black eyes could look, his mouth dropped open and his tanned weather beaten face turned pale.
“Idiot!” Kayla screamed. Uther stammered something unintelligible. A prickle of fear ran down Merlin's back and a sixth sense warned him to turn around. Quickly, he glanced over his shoulder. It was not the setting sun which had turned the sky red. Rather it was the cracks which were appearing in the darkening sky and splitting open. Red glows were spilling through. Kayla screamed causing Merlin to jump.
“Uther, they found us!” she cried, “Plan B!”
“Never!” Uther gasped.

The cracks grew wider and a great flying lizard like creature wormed its way out of the biggest one. Merlin's eyes bulged.
“Impossible!” he gasped, willing himself not to believe what he was seeing.
“Here there be dragons!” Uther murmured. A blast of scorching air dried Merlin's clothes in two seconds flat. But it was to much for the young man. He had spent to long forcing himself to be happy and comfortable with his position. He did not intend to let that change now. Turning he fled in the opposite direction like a a coward.
“Stay alive, Uther!” Kayla was screaming, “You have to live for the kingdom!” Merlin glanced over his shoulder. Uther was clutching at the howling basket, staring after Kayla, who was running to meet the dragon.

“She is insane!” Merlin gasped, “She is virtually insane!” a second dragon wiggled through another crack. Merlin's mind screamed at him to keep running, but he found himself slowing down and turning around. Merlin you are a fool, get out while you still can! He argued with himself. But maybe it is time I actually helped someone! Kayla flung back her hood, her long brown hair streamed out behind her, and she drew a shining sword. Merlin felt a tingling in his finger tips. Desperately, he concentrated willing the power to grow. The two dragons bore down on Kayla. A dim glow came out of the palm of Merlin's hand and gently blew towards the woman and the two dragons. More power! I need more power! Merlin thought in desperation. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath, closing is eyes for concentration, while cursing himself for not making things easier by practicing.

Kayla sliced at the foremost dragon causing it to back up. Fire filled the air. The grass was scorched and the rain started to steam.
“Get out of here fool!” She screamed. The dragons let out horrible barking laughs. Uther, who she was really talking too, got up and started backing slowly towards Merlin. Kayla had the full attention of the dragons. Merlin could feel power building up in his hands, but is sixth sense told him it was not ready. Behind him the wind began to howl and tug at his cloak. In front of him, the dragons attacked Kayla, side by side. Unable to fight both, she made a suicidal move. She leaped directly into the face of one, bringing her sword into the creatures mouth. The dragon screamed and grasped the woman in his claws. She screamed and dropped her sword.
“Kayla!” Uther bellowed. Merlin flung out his arms, hot flames streaked out engulfing, dragons, Kayla and melting into the cracks.
“Stop!” Uther screamed.

Merlin had one awful vision of the hideous mask of a black dragon be fore he crumpled to the ground, his energy gone. When the fire cleared, the moor was empty except for ashes, scattered everywhere. The cracks had vanished.
“Kayla?” Uther whispered, he fixed his strange black eyes on Merlin.
“I-?” Merlin gasped.
“What have you done?” Uther cried an agonized look on his face.
“The dragons would have destroyed Royaume!” Merlin argued weakly.
“You have done two things fool, and that was save Camelot for a while longer and shown me the cliffs.” Uther said grimly. He put the basket in Merlin's arms. “This is your responsibility now!” he strode past the half lying half sitting Merlin, who was awkwardly trying to grasp the basket. Merlin's gaze followed him.

Something strange had happened, the ground seemed to have opened up, not two feet away from where Merlin was lying. Bottomless abyss of darkness. Merlin tried to yell, but was to weak to do more then give an undignified squeak. Uther paused at the edge of the cliff looked back and said quietly,
“The fate of Camelot, the fate of Avalon, the fate of the sword is in your incompetent hands, I would you were not the one, but you will have to do.” Merlin frowned. This was to obvious an insult for him to smooth over.
“Those are not even real places!” he argued, his grip tightening on the basket. Uther smiled sadly and jumped. Merlin heard an undignified screaming sound, which he realized was coming from himself and grew silent. The abyss closed before his very eyes.

Merlin shuddered. He had killed two dragons, a woman, and seen a man commit suicide, and saved the world all in one day, it was too much.

“Why? Why me?” he screamed. The forgotten creature in the basket let out a piercing wail. Merlin froze, then flung the basket away from himself in terror. The basket hit the ground and rolled onto its side. The blanket moved, then a tiny baby fist reached out, followed by a tiny child, in a light blue and white baby gown. Merlin felt a cold shiver run down his back. The baby lifted up it's head and stared at Merlin through big soft brown eyes, a trickle of blood was running out of the corners of his eyes, almost as if he was weeping blood. As Merlin stared at the child, his vow never to have a family faded and he became a father.  


  1. I really liked the prologue!
    Will you be posting the rest of it?

    1. Thank you!
      I'm planning on it. But I'm still working on the editing for chapter one, but hopefully I shall post it soon.

      Sorry for not replying sooner but the internet wasn't working for a couple of days at my house.

      God Bless You.
