Thursday, November 16, 2017

Trivia Cards and other stuff

At one point I started making a trivia game for one of my books.
This is a sneak peak at what the cards would look like.

Other stuff
I recently started editing this book, "Prairie School."
This is the original cover. I never finished the second cover.
The boy with the ax is Charlie Mortage. The boy with the dead bird is Martin Raswel. The boy with the suspenders is Brown Bear. the girl with her back towards the others is Annie Raswel. The girl with the book is Miss Anne Hazel the teacher. The girl between Annie and Anne is Sara Long. Alice  Hazel is the girl with ribon at the end of her braid. Beth Carmel is the really short girl.
The book is about Anne Hazel who takes her sister West after her brother is kidnapped to escape her father's enemies. She looks for work in a small Western town and becomes the school teacher.

 A drawing from the original "Prairie School" story. (I wrote it on the computer and it didn't save correctly so I lost it, that's why I like to write in notebooks)
I don't remember what they were doing in the original story. But in the second version, someone burned down the Mortage barn, so they had a barn raising party. Charlie played his fiddle. Anne is sitting in front of him enjoying the music.

In the original "Prairie School" story, the Tucker boarding house brunt down in the middle of the night. It burnt down when they were at the barn raising in the newer edition. 

 Mrs. Alice Gardener dressed up as Madame Margret Raswel for a play which takes place in "The Other Gardener."

 Benny Gardener dressed up as John Raswel.

This is either Philip or James Wilder (can't tell them apart, as they are twins) dressed up as Louis Worely.

I have no idea who this is.

Mrs. Kaitlin Wilder from "The Gardener Children."

Characters I drew for other people



  1. How fun!! A trivial book game! Love your header!

    1. Thank you! I just need to finish making the game, then I can win everyone at it. :D

    2. Yeah, you'll completely crush the rest of us. I'm pretty sure I didn't know the answer to a single one of those *wince*

    3. Probably. But you would be surprised at how many questions I would get wrong. :S

  2. let's do teams I'm on your team!
    {We would win}
