Sunday, August 5, 2018

DoFP Part 6, Yaron's Diary


Icy Season Day 1
Why is it called the icy season? I have wondered that for as long as can remember. We rarely even get weather you can call cold? So why Ice Season? Madra once told me that her grandfather used to tell her that this time once long ago the Divide froze so hard one could walk to Kildimere, Sha, Graystark or any of the other islands. I personally find that hard to believe. But it must be called the Icy season for a reason. Some day I intend to find out. But that will have to wait until another time.

Once Salt had served me enough food to satisfy me this morning, I returned to the great hall. Eldark was waiting for me, his face a sour mask. I took a deep breath and continued my story since I could hardly do anything else.

“Boots was flung face downwards on the little path as his home exploded in flames. The banshee screamed. Boots clenched his hands to his ears in the desperate attempt to keep his ear drums from bursting. Flaming hot coals fell down upon him and sizzled his flesh. The agony lasted only a few minutes, but to the wretched boy it was a nightmarish eternity. But finally the banshee grew silent and faded away. Trembling, Boots pulled himself to his feet. A thin wisp of smoke fizzled out of the ground and Death himself came into the garden.
Turn yer back little Boots.” Death boomed, “Your turn will come tonight!” Boots gasped wretchedly. He would be dead by that night? Death swept his scythe at the burning house. With a whoosh the souls of Boots family hissed out of the flames and rushed into the smoking hole. Boots made a quick decision. If he was going to die that very night, he might as well spend the rest of the day doing what he wanted. He snatched up a large stone and dropped it over the hole in the garden. The souls of the rest of his family and Death were unable to leave. Boots saw them fluttering around helplessly.
You have not won little Boots!” Death boomed, “There souls have already left their bodies. Now they shall be nothing but faded ghosts. Until you release them.” Death vanished. Boots rushed around looking for his family. Death could not be right.
Oh Boots, what have you done?” the boy heard his mother's voice. The roof of the house crashed inwards filling the wet garden with flying sparks and burning embers. The ten lost souls flew upwards with the smoke and vanished.
Come back!” Boots screamed and tried to follow the smoke, but it faded away leaving him alone. Boot flung himself down in the damp grass and sobbed. He would never again help his father and brothers. Never again would he embrace his mother or tease his sisters. Boots was alone for the first time in his life.”

Once more I stopped talking. I started to like making other people suffer with my really stupid story. If I had to tell it they had to listen.
And so I shall continue again another day.” I said someone sniffed unhappily. I saw man people rubbing there eyes, and felt a triumphant thrill.
If you make the story even more depressing tomorrow, I shall throw you from the top of the tower!” Eldark threatened grimly.
Tomorrow there shall be some humor!” I promised quickly and he looked a little appeased.

To Be Continued


  1. Awww, I feel so sorry for Boots!

    And now I’m left in even MORE suspense! Great installment!

    1. I'm glad! My characters must always suffer! Even if they are just the character of a character! Of course if they send their friends after me, I might reconsider. :D

      Well, hopefully the end isn't to ridiculous, I was writing without any plan. Thank you. :D
