Tuesday, August 7, 2018

DoFP part 8, Yaron's Diary


Now that the story is over the posts will be longer in the future.

Icy Season Day 3
I trust you plan on ending your little story some day soon?” Eldark growled as I entered the great hall this morning. I was tempted to tell him that the story went on for eternity. But he was tapping his sword and scowling viciously. I decided to say something else.
Certainly.” I said with great dignity, “I shall do that just now.” The sighs of relief from the audience were rather disheartening.
“What did you say?” Boots gasped, as he opened his eyes and squinted up into the light. He thought he had heard wrong.
I said wake up!” his oldest brother yelled. Boots was dangling upside down by his leg from his big brother's hand. The rest of his family was grouped around him. Water was running off of Boots' face and clothes. “The banshee was almost finished drowning you before I caught hold of you.” the big brother cried, “Really Boots. You know better then to follow a Banshee into the river.”
Didn't the house burn down?” Boots asked, “With you all in it?”
The runt thinks everyone is to dumb to leave a burning building.” the big brother laughed. For once, Boots did not mind being teased. He would rather be teased and have his family alive, then not be teased and have them all dead.
Moral: One never appreciates what they go until they no longer have it!”

I stopped talking and looked at Eldark. What a horrible story. I have no doubt that everyone would laugh at me. But it felt good to see all their furious faces.
Father, he put a moral in it.” Alia said, “You like morals.” I shot her a grateful look.
Go away storyteller, I must confer with my friends.” Eldark said after a long pause.

To Be Continued


  1. Great end of his tale! Now hopefully Eldark liked it.....

    1. I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully Eldark does too .:D
