Diary of a Thundering Prince
Delphi the Oracle |
Part 6
Sproutling, 30, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
I have been back on land for a few days now. I feel bitter and betrayed. My only companion is Chiron. Surprisingly, he turned out to be a wonderful companion. He told me the names of the stars and about the history of Sea World, especially the Star People. Unlike most of my acquaintances, he told me the answers to questions.
“How many children does Cronus have?” I asked.
“Eleven, not counting his stepdaughter.” Chrion replied, “Poseidon is the fourth. He is really a very nice boy and eager to learn.” I eyed him.
“He looks nothing like the Star Heir.” I said remembering the procession.
“Hades is another word for plain old grouch.” Chrion said sullenly, “He is changing quickly. If the fates are not turned he will become thrice as evil as his father ever was.” I sighed.
We wandered aimlessly away from the shore. The attack on his fleet seemed to have cooled Cronus' enthusiasm for destroying the world. This was a relief to me, since I still had no desire to drown like a rat. I remembered the children, who were under my care for awhile and wondered if I could get my old job back. But I doubted it. They had been hidden deep in the caverns of the Titans. I was no longer welcomed in the mountains or the sea. What was I supposed to do?
“Have you ever tried talking to the Oracle?” Chrion asked. I turned and stared at him. But his face was perfectly serious.
“She answers in riddles and gets me in more trouble.” I said bitterly.
“I think not.” the centaur said, “I heard she was fond of you.” I snorted.
“I highly doubt that.” I said. Chrion shrugged. I poked at our fire in silence. Then I looked back at the massive creature. He was watching me.
“You wish to wield a blade?” he asked.
“Can you read minds?” I asked.
“No, but the Delphi suggested I teach you.” was the smug response. I groaned. The Oracle was back to torment my life again. I sighed.
“Yes please.” I said.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 2, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
Now that it is the time of Low Water, there is very small chance of floods, and even less chance of dangerous ones. The air is muggy and hot and the sun beats down mercilessly. Delphi and Chrion have been my only two companions for some time now. Well, to be more accurate, they are more like teachers. My knowledge of existence and war has increased greatly. My knife is no longer useless, but I would like a sword. I mentioned this to Chrion and he said he would get a sword for me as soon as I was ready. But that was barely two days ago.
“It is time.” he said simply. I wondered if either was a quick learner, or so bad that he was eager to stop teaching me. Either way our lessons ended and we left the caves.
We had not gone far, when Delphi dropped to a crouch, and faded from sight. I glanced at Chrion. He ran one finger threw his dreadlocks.
“She does that quite often.” he said. So Chrion could see Delphi too.
“So what is happening?” I asked carefully.
“You are about to be ambushed.” Delphi spoke out of the air.
“Excellent!” Chrion said and drew his massive sword. I drew my knife more reluctantly. I was not ready for battle at all.
Suddenly, two boys leaped out of the bushes and pinned me down. I was taken completely by surprise. I had not been expecting children. To my dismay I recognized, Hades, the Star Heir. The other boy was much younger. About twelve, I think.
“Good Monsters Below!” I yelled, then rolled wildly. “Do not let your enemies pin you easily. Make things hard.” Chrion had said. I thrashed, and cut the younger boy with my knife. To my surprise, he let go of me and started screaming, blubbering and throwing a tantrum. Hades removed his knife from my throat and threw it at the little boy.
“Oh for crying out loud, not again!” he yelled, “He barely touched you!” I sat up and stared.
“Ares, if you do not stop that unholy noise I shall turn you over my knee, and so help me, I shall spank you right on your other end!” Chrion roared. Ares only screamed louder. The Centaur reached down and grasped the small boy by the hair. Immediately, the screams stopped.
“I am dying, you great clumsy donkey!” the child moaned, as he dangled by his hair, his feet a full two feet from the ground. He crossed his arms and scowled.
“Well shut up about it, you are disturbing me.” Chrion roared. Ares' lip trembled, but he shut his mouth. The Centaur then proceeded to drop him.
“Chrion, we rescued you.” Hades said coolly. He jabbed his jeweled sword at me. I whacked it aside with my knife and leaped to my feet, my eyes darting from one boy to the other. Ares was one of Poseidon's not so nice brothers.
“Rescued me from what?” the Centaur asked.
“Him.” Ares whined as he wiped his runny nose and pointed a dirty finger at me. I snorted.
“You thought I was holding Chrion prisoner?” I laughed. The idea was quite ridiculous.
“You are capable you know.” the Centaur snapped. I rolled my eyes.
“So did we save you?” Ares asked.
“Did you side with the rebels?” Hades snarled, “You know this dangerous man has his posters all over the Star City. Kill on sight.”
“Zeus, just so happens to be a Star Lord.” Chrion said loftily, “He nearly turned me into a pile of ashes. Only your father has the authority to condemn him.”
“Him, a Star Lord?” Hades looked aghast.
“I turn you into a pile of ashes?” I gasped, also aghast.
“Now boys lets play nice.” Chrion said, “No more poking each other with weapons or I will have to confiscate them.” Hades and Ares clutched their swords and backed away from the Centaur. Who smiled rather like a shark.
“You can have my knife.” I said, “It is rather useless against swords anyway.”
“If that is what you think, we shall have a little match.” Chrion said icily, “You against the Hades and Ares.”
“What?” I yelled.
“Figure out a way to defeat them or else.” the Centaur ran one finger along his throat. I gulped. This was not turning out so well.
“If we win, you return Poseidon to us.” Hades said coolly, “If we lose, you kill us quickly.”
“Impossible.” I said, “Poseidon is not my prisoner.”
“But you will still return him to us.” Hades said. I groaned.
“You are in a predicament, young Zeus.” Chron said cheerfully, “Better not let them win.”
The Centaur was right, I could not let them win. I would rather die then go to Nereus and tell him that he had to let his hostage go because I lost a duel. If I lost I could always kill myself. I shuddered.
“Three, two, one, go!” Chrion shouted.
“Wait, what?” I cried. The two brothers leaped at me. I rolled out of the way, just in time.
“Are you fast?” Hades snarled.
“Let me spit him, let me do it!” Ares screamed. He pushed his older brother aside and leaped at me. I did a jumping kick and sent him flying backwards. So the brothers would as soon fight each other as me. I could use that in my favor.
“Leave my brother alone you coward!” Hades shouted and rushed at me, his blade spinning in a deadly fan. I dived under, and crashed into his legs. We both went down and dropped our weapons. As we grappled each other, Hades shouted for Ares to stab me. The younger ran around us wailing and screaming.
“How?” he whined.
“Just stab, idiot!” Hades cried through gritted teeth. So he did. Suddenly the death grip was released on me and the Star Heir fell back gasping. Ares' sword had gone through his ribs and pinned him to the ground. I leaped off of him and with one swipe sent the younger boy flat on his back.
“You killed Hades!” Ares screamed, “You killed Hades!”
“Technically that was you.” I pointed out.
“Shut up and let me die in peace.” Hades grimaced.
Chrion seized the sword and yanked it out of Hades. The Star Heir let out one agonized cry and was silent.
“He will live.” the Centaur said, “Good work, Zeus.”
“You are supposed to be on my side, Chrion.” Hades whispered through gritted teeth.
“Zeus, now is the time for you to learn first aide.” the Centaur said with a nasty grin, “Bring me my saddlebag.”
“Do not let him touch me!” Hades whimpered. I could hardly blame him. I would have said the same thing if our roles had been reversed.
Once I had patched both of brothers up, with Chrion's directions, they took off. They seemed very bitter about the whole thing.
“Are you just going to let them walk away?” I asked in shock.
“Of course.” said Chrion, “They are my students too. I only fight when I have too. I am a teacher and healer, not a warrior.” I looked at him with one eyebrow raised. He looked like a warrior to me.
“Well that went well.” Delphi said as she became visible again.
“Yes no thanks to either of you.” I muttered crossly.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 3, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
We are back in the City. Thunderer City. I dread running into Hercules or anyone else who might recognize me. But at the same time I hoped to see someone I knew. Poor Metis, whatever happened to her? I should not have abandoned her. But she could hardly live on land and she had been banished from the Sea. Perhaps she had found a stream to stay in.
“Where are we going?” I asked, as I glanced around. Everyone was staring at us. I supposed we looked silly. A centaur, and old lady in rags, and a boy in a sea tunic. Chrion shook his head.
“Not us, you.” he said.
“Huh?” I gaped as I turned to face him.
“We have taught you as much as we could in limited time.” Delphi whispered, “If we stay with you, you will rely on us. If you are going to lead the rebels you are going to do it on your own with no fetters.”
“Wait, what?” I cried. Were they really going to abandon me? What was I supposed to do? I was only a child.
“Farewell Zeus.” Delphi said and vanished.
“Come back!” I yelled. Then Chrion turned and galloped away, “Cowards!” I wanted to throw a tantrum like Ares, but I did not dare. Instead I looked around. Everyone was staring at me. I sighed. Then the attack began.
Low Water, 10, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
The Star Warriors transported into the city and cut down all those in their paths. People fled screaming. I fought back, but they were hardened by years and years of practice. In the end about twenty people, myself included took refuge in the Star Temple. All temples were havens to those being hunted. No one could be forcefully dragged out. The only light came from the glowing sword. The Temple Maidens had vanished and there was no one to light the lamps. The only sound made by my companions was a complaint about the Thunderer. A perfectly good sword going to waste because no one dared touch it.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 11, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
Cronus has arrived in the city. It has fallen. The rebels have surrendered. Except those trapped in the temple. Once we eat the rest of the reserves for the keepers will will starve unless we also surrender. This is the end.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 12, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
The city is now in the possession of the Star People. There banners fly from all the pinnacles, including this temple. The Titans have surrendered too. They were caught in a trap and massacred. Apparently the Amazon Warriors formed an Alliance with the Star People. Somewhere in this city my old friends are prisoners. The Titans were let off easy after swearing solemn oaths not to take up arms against the Star People ever again. But their leaders have been taken for execution. That means Hera will die. Poor sharp-tongued Hera. She was meant to be free and wild. I would gladly listen to her insults again if it meant that she was going to be free and alive. I spent all day thinking about her. If only I could save her. But I am trapped like her. I hope Metis is alive.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 20, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
The reserves are officially empty except for the well and last pot of pickled herring. But that is not what I wish to discuss. By watching from the library at the summit of the temple, I could see the city. The square where a platform had been built. The public executions start today. The first prisoner was none other then Argus. He was chained with red hot iron chains that dragged him down. He could barely move. My companions crowded around and we watched.
There is a truly terrible thing about torture. Cronus himself took a wooden stake, sharpened to a deadly point, and ran it through the hidden cyclops eye. The stake burst into flames and Cronus let go. Then he laughed cruelly, while the chained Argus rolled and writhed on the ground, the stake protruding from his forehead.
“Put him in the labyrinth.” the Star Father ordered, “He will feed the beast for many days.”
“There is a beast that feasts on living flesh below these streets.” one of my companions whispered. I hung my head. I could not save any of my friends.
Then Jupiter was put on the platform. He had saved my life more then once and now I could not return the favor. Cronus ordered the horns to be sawed off the minotaur. I wanted to cry as the evil minotaurs of Cronus carried out this despicable deed with mockery. I could watch no more. My stomach churned. I was sick in a corner and refused my half of herring. But a part of me wanted to know which other ones of my friends had been captured and what they did to Hera. But I was to cowardly to look.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 21, year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
I went to the door. Twelve rows of Star Guards were blocking the entrance. The platform had been moved so it was right in front of the porch of the temple. I found myself face to face with Cronus. He smiled.
“Zeus.” he cried, his lips curling in a sneer, “I would not want you to miss this moment for anything. Please watch.” I stared back. The other prisoners gathered behind me silently and watched. Hera was placed on the platform. I gasped. Cronus smiled.
Hera turned and looked at me. I looked back. Her mouth dropped open. She obviously had not known that I was in the temple.
“Zeus, you are live?” she gasped.
“Not for much longer.” Cronus laughed, “After you are publicly executed, Zeus will follow. I have had enough of meddling rebels.” He drew his sword. It was somewhat similar to the Thunderer, except smaller. Fire licked along the edge of the blade. Hera gritted her teeth as Cronus swung the blade at her neck. But instead of hacking her head off, he stopped and simply touched the edge of the blade to her throat. Then the princess screamed. Tongues of fire burnt her flesh. I saw red. It is one thing to execute your enemy by beheading them, but it is another thing entirely to torture them by burning them little by little, until the flesh was melted off the bone, leaving one in agony to die a slow torturous death.
I turned and crashed through my companions. I needed a weapon and there was only in the temple. My fingers curled around the hilt of the Thunderer. Searing pain wrenched at my hand. But I would leave a mark before I turned to dust. I exploded out of the temple, knocking guards in every direction. Hera screamed and Cronus whirled. He barely had time to raise his sword before I was on top of him. He was flung over backwards with the power of my blow. There was a flash of lightening then a crash of thunder. The ground trembled.
“Oh Stars almighty!” Cronus screamed as he flipped away from me, “Rhea, I will kill you!” I frowned, wondering if he meant the Nyad or another Rhea. Then I remembered Metis saying my mother, was called Rhea too, and she had given me away. So my mother was known to Cronus. It was an ugly thought. My anger seemed to give me more strength, I leaped at Cronus again. I jumped into the air, kicked me in the face and landed lightly. I shot backwards and fell of the platform.
Cronus leaped down on top of me, ready to pin me to the cobbled streets. I rolled aside, and his blade struck empty road. But the force of the blow caused the ground beneath me to tremble. Buildings swayed and bricks hurtled downwards. The crowd screamed and stampeded to escape. A pile of bricks crushed the Star Father. I scrambled to my feet and leaped on top him, kicking his sword away as I did. At last this would all end.
“So you are exactly like me, son.” Cronus sneered, as he wiped blood from his face, “You are a killer like me.” I recoiled in horror. What had he called me?
“Kill him!” Hera screamed as she struggled against her chains, “Kill him, Zeus!” I took a step backwards. This could not be true. But it was. I was a Star Lord, I had touched the Thunderer without being fried. My hands were in flames but I hardly felt it. Then I lifted the Thunderer and thrust it downwards. Cronus howled in pain as the flaming sword sliced through his ribs and bit into the stones below. He was firmly pinned under my sword and bricks. Then I turned and leaped onto the platform to rescue Hera.
“Are you insane?” she screamed, “Why didn't you plunge the sword into his heart or perhaps his head? Do you have any idea what he has done to our friends? Your friends!” I took a hold of her chains and squeezed. They melted in my hands. She shut her mouth. Then I turned and leaped off the platform, stopping only to snatch up a sword.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 22, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
All day yesterday and today the battle raged in the city. No one dared to approach the wretched Cronus. We were pretty evenly matched. The rebels and Titans could move over and through buildings with ease and comfort and lose their enemies in the maze like streets. But the Star People had crushing numbers and greater weapons. If only the Sea People would come to our assistance we would be safe. I fought back to back with Titans and rebels I recognized but none of us spoke to each other. Not because we were hard pressed, but because they had seen me with the sword. They knew who I was. Now everyone knew why Metis had kept her mouth shut. She had already made a move for Cronus' defeat long before I thought up a way to do it. I was a fool.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 23, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
It happened. Half the city was in the Star hands and the other half was in Rebel hands. Cronus was dead center. He was still writhing in agony or rage. There was only one thing that could make this battle end without the help of the Sea People. I made the first move. I stepped forward. Dozens of bows were pointed in my face. I wrenched the sword of of Cronus. Immediately there was a crack of thunder. At least I knew how I had defeated Chrion at sea. I had probably zapped him with thunder and lightening.
Cronus exploded into the air and hovered there. I waited. I heard startled gasps from both sides. I continued to wait patiently.
“Do you think you can defeat me foolish boy?” Cronus snarled, “You are weak and cowardly like your mother! Like Poseidon and Hephaestus!”
“Sparing the life of another is not weak or cowardly.” I said grimly, then I raised the Thunderer high and struck the ground. The streets split and the world trembled. Allies and enemies alike were flung on their faces. Only Cronus and I remained upright facing each other. Then suddenly Delphi was between us. Her hood was lose and her white hair was flying free. Judging by the startled cries around us, I assumed everyone could see her at last.
“Chose your next move careful children of the Stars.” she cried, “I Delphi have spoken! One wrong move and the world is overturned in fire and water.” I sincerely hoped the right move was not me plunging the Thunderer into Cronus' heart. He may have been hateful but he was still my father no matter how much he had betrayed me. I would have given anything to have a home with a loving father and mother. My desire was so strong I doubt I could have defeated Cronus.
“My next move has been chosen!” Cronus growled. He held out his hand. There was a flash and his sword appeared in his hands. Then he leaped at me. I hurled myself out of the way and fell sprawling. The place I had been standing only a second before burst into flames. I rolled over. The Star Father was striding towards me, smiling. As he passed Delphi, he gave her a shove. She vanished. I reached for the Thunderer, but it was out of my reach. I froze. Cronus laughed grimly. I was going to die. I had failed after all.
“One word from you, Zeus, and I plug him full of holes!” I familiar voice shouted from above. Then Hercules leaped off the temple roof. He was holding a massive crossbow, which was already pulled back. Cronus blanched.
“How did you get-” he stopped.
“Actually, whether or not the boy likes it, I will kill you!” Hercules said grimly. I stood up and snatched up the Thunderer. Cronus whirled and froze. He was trapped.
“Now the tables have turned.” I said softly.
“You cannot defeat me alone!” the Star Father snarled, “I am stronger then you ever will be!”
“But I have friends who will watch my back.” I pointed out quietly, “Do you?”
“I am strong enough to watch my own back!” Cronus screamed, “But I do not need to! Watch your own back boy, I will get you in the dark when you are alone! Then you will pay for what you have done!” He made a hand motion and the air split down the middle with a flash.
The crowd screamed as the air continued to split reveling the interior of an unfamiliar temple. A woman with long flowing dark curly hair was staring straight at me. In one hand she held a sword. Two boys were peaking out from behind her. One was about eight and the other ten.
“Mama, what is happening?” the older boy asked, “Are we going to die? Our insides split open like crab cakes?”
“I do not want to die!” the younger boy wailed, “I was just starting to be me!”
“Hermes! Dionysus!” the woman cried, “Hush!”
“Deal with that!” Cronus snarled, and leaped up onto a rooftop and vanished. I whirled, and was about to jump after him, but Hercules caught hold of me.
“Let him go!” he cried, “Shut that hole or all the Star People will crush Sea World!” I turned again. The older boy had come out from behind his mother and was poking his hands out of the hole.
“Can we climb through?” he asked.
“Hermes!” the woman cried, “Get back here!” But it was to late. Hermes somersaulted through the tare and crashed into me. I moved the Thunderer out of the way so he would not get hurt.
“Mama, come quick!” Hermes yelled, “He has got to be Hestia's brother.” Then the woman came through with lightening speed. I backed away, but she kept coming.
“Zeus?” the woman said and touched my face. Why did everyone know my name? “Is it really you? Are you still alive?” Obviously, I was.
“Your majesty.” Hercules said and bowed. The crowd stirred uneasily. I felt like I was the only one completely clueless. The woman turned towards the rebel.
“Where is Poseidon?” she demanded, “What have you done with him?”
“Well, actually Nereus has him at the bottom of the sea.” Hercules said with a shrug, “Unfortunately, all of the Sea People are mad at us so you won't be seeing him any time soon.” The woman clenched her fists.
“Hades and Ares?” she said grimly.
“Now them, I have not seen.” Hercules said with a shrug, “I assumed they were with you.” I caught my breath. I knew who she was. The woman was the Star Mother. Rhea. My mother. The woman who was going to let Cronus murder me. I shuddered.
“So did someone defeat Cronus?” one of the Star Soldiers asked, “Are we supposed to bow down to someone?” There was a loud murmuring from his companions. Well, they were not bowing down to me. I was going to get out of there. I tried to make a jump. Hermes stuck out his foot and tripped me. I would have gone sprawling again if I had not done a somersault. The Thunderer slammed into the ground. There was a rumble and the roads cracked. Thunder and light flashed. Everyone screamed and dropped to their knees. I glared at Hermes, the only person not kneeling.
“So you are the new Star Father.” he smirked. I cursed him.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 25, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
Now that my fate was inevitable I had to do what was best for Sea World. I stripped the Star People. I think this surprised everyone. If I did not have a powerful army, how would I hold a throne. With one cut of the Thunderer, the Star City crashed and exploded. There must have been thousands of people left homeless in one blow.
“You have three fates.” I said grimly, “Go to the Free People, Titans or build your own city. But the Star City is gone. From hence on you will be like other people.”
“The Free People and Titans will kill us.” was the common protest. This led to making new laws on murder. Each city would have an overlord or mayor. In turn he would answer to the King or Queen. There would be one for Mythicals, Free People, Titans and Sea People. In turn the Kings would answer to one of the Lords of Olympus. This led to much discussion. What were the Lords of Olympus.
Olympus was the tallest mountain on Sea World and the only mountain not connected to a range. Once upon a time it had been the tombs of the Star People. But long since it had been abandoned and the mountain pronounced unlivable. On this mountain I would build my palace. The Palace of Olympus. I would be the one everyone would answer too. Then my brothers would be my under lords between me and the people. Hades would look after the Underworld. Poseidon would have the lordship of the Sea Kingdom. Hephaestus would care for the Free People. Apollo would have the sky. Ares the army. Hermes the Mythicals. And Dionysus the Titans. Hera would be regent until he was a few years older. Now I just needed to get my brothers to agree.
I had a lot of reasons for choosing my brothers for this part. In spite of the opinion that I was trying to buy them off and that they were only children, I had real reason. Hades was just the type of person you would expect to live in the Underworld. Secretly, I wished he would let me be friends with him, but since he would not, I was not eager to keep him in the same house as me. He was fifteen, but already acted much older then me. Poseidon had obviously inherited mother's streak of sea blood. He could breathe underwater as well as any of the Sea People, but not being of their kind, he was ideal for the job, even if he was only fourteen. Nereus could be his mentor until he was capable on his own. Hephaestus, who was Poseidon's twin, looked nothing like him. He was rather quiet. His left leg was twisted giving him a pronounced limp. But he had an interest in common work, such as shoe making, smithing, fishing and other such every day tasks. He could talk easily about these subjects and would be the best choice to go among the Free People. Apollo was only thirteen, but he was the only non sky person I knew, to have a flying horse, so he would have to learn to be an ambassador at thirteen. Hermes never stopped talking, I figured he would make a good diplomat, even if he was only ten. At least the Mythicals would give him something to goggle over. I chose eight year old Dionysus for the Titans because this would mean Hera and I would have to keep an eye on him. Besides I did not want him to be the only brother no chosen for a duty.
That left my three sisters. Hestia, my twin sister, was so sweet and gentle, she could not bare any kind of sufferings. She cried when we were introduced. Then she cried when Hades was rude to me. I would have to keep a careful eye on her or some nasty person would guilt her into marring him. To my surprise Hera unbearably nice to Hestia. But I was pleased about this. I am not sure why I wanted them to be friends with each other, but I did.
Amertis was Apollo's twin sister. As soon as mother had introduced us, she informed me that she had vowed never to get married. She said she would remain a huntress all the days of her life.
“If you try to marry me off for the good of the world I shall run away and join the Amazon Warriors in the Jungles and fight you!” she said scornfully. I decided that like Hades and Ares, she did not like me.
Athena was the youngest girl. She was a year older then Hermes. Like Hephaestus she was quiet and thoughtful, preferring to speak slowly, well thought out sentences. But like Amertis she could be wild. No one else could match her in spear throwing accuracy. I was certain that she would be deadly by the time she was grownup.
So now I have introduced my family, and all I have to do is make them like me. That is going to be the most difficult thing I ever undertaken yet.
Farewell for now,
Low Water, 30, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
The days have been chaotic with building of the Palace and the assigning everyone their new duties and sending the Star People to different regions. There was grumbling, but only two or three assassination attempts. On the last one I lost my temper and pinned the assassin to the ceiling of the Titan's council chamber by a lightening bolt. Since then everyone has been treading carefully around me. I really do not want to be a tyrant, but I just may turn into one yet.
Farewell for now,
Drought, 10, Year of the Blue Moon
Greetings Book,
The Palace on Mount Olympus is coming along quite fine. It will connect with the old tombs in the mountain making a virtual city. Already many Star People, Mythicals, Titans, Sea People and Free People were going to move in. Not to mention my family and the five children I had cared for. I decided to place them in the care of Chrion until I could find families for them. There real families were either lost in the floods or simply gone. But perhaps I still could find them. I am afraid watching over for Sea World is going to be an even bigger job then I anticipated, even with the help of my brothers and the under Kings and Queens.
Farewell for now,
To Be Continued