Sunday, July 22, 2018

From bad to good


Recently I was looking at someone's blog, and she did a neat post on redemption arcs in characters Here. I decided to do something similar except use my own characters.

Evan from Frozen nonfanfiction sequel "Burnt."

Well, not exactly a villain Evan does start the story out with thoughts of revenge and bitterness. But as the story progresses he eventually helps to do what is right, even at the cost of his own life. But don't worry he doesn't die, I liked him to much.

Wolfgang Drew from "The Night Thief."

Wolfgang goes from someone who is determined to get what he thinks is his to the point of breaking into people's houses to working with the police.

Expecto from "The Red Lion."

Expecto, as the adopted son of a king doesn't have any hope of getting the throne, not with his foster father's real son living. Angry, bitter and determined to take the throne from someone who couldn't care less about it, Expecto steals the prized Starsole in the attempt to conquer his foster father's kingdom for his own. But over the course of the second book "The Red Lion: The King's Assassin," Expecto changes to the point of giving his life for the very people he recently betrayed.

Kelsie from the "Apprentice Warriors."

While not exactly an evil person, Kelsie sided with evil for a brief time, because she discovered that her father was evil and sided with him. She honestly believed that she had to be evil because her father was. But then she returned to the good side because she strongly believed in what was right.

Morgan LaFay from "The Pendragon Saga."

A bitter and unhappy woman, Morgan sided with LaFay in the attempt to wipe out the Pendragons and seize the throne of Camelot. Morgan eventually realized that LaFay was simply using her to revenge himself on his half brother. Morgan joined the Pendragon's side to punish him. But eventually she came to believe in their cause and gave her life for it.

Mordred LaFay from "The Pendragon Saga."

Like his mother Mordred was driven by selfish reasons. But he also truly believed that he was in the right and Arthur was in the wrong. But as the series progresses and Mordred fully sides with evil, he gets his moment of redemption, but Arthur is the one that will pay for it with his own blood.

James from the "Prince Charming Diaries."

I believe that this is a very common figure in this circle. The Beast from "Beauty and the Beast." James like all retellings of the beast, is a selfish vain character. He does make the customary circle and become a better man.

I probably have more, but these were the only ones I had drawings for.

~The Author


  1. This was a cool idea! And you made all your drawings?? That's so cool!

    I kind of had a mild panic attack when I read "Don’t worry, Evan doesn’t die, I liked him too much." Does that mean all these other characters might . . . die? Nooooooo! :) Also, your Pendragon series sounds absolutely amazing!

    Cool post idea! This was epic!

    1. I wish I had more characters but I couldn't remember any at the moment, and I had not more characters that fit that descriptions in my collection of drawings. :(

      Well Morgan dies, Kelsie almost died but as each book goes on her chances grow slimier of staying alive. James, Wolfgang, and Evan certainly don't die. Mordred might. :D *evil grin*
      I'm glad you like how my Pendragon series sounds. The books have some of my favorite characters in them.
