Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Prince Charming Diaries volume two, DHP Part 2

Being the 3rd day of the Bleak Time
The enemy has finally retreated back to their cursed land. We have no ships, so we content ourselves by blasting the warheads after them. Brother Xander kept them firing much longer than was entirely needed. But in the face of Victory I felt that he is entitled to indulge in his happiness. I retreated to the command tent to fill out the paperwork. Paperwork is so boring! I think it would be a most pleasurable idea to hire someone to do the paperwork. But presently my flag bearer, Rupert came into the command tent.
Mail arrived.” He said. He handed me a letter. I recognized the hand of Sister Anne.
Thank you Rupert.” I said and waved him away. Once he was gone I slit the letter open. I have enclosed a copy of the letter.

Dearest brother Zeno,
Greetings to you and our brothers, Yaron and Xander. I trust this letter finds you and them in the kindness of health and that you are unsullied by the War.

I wish that I had kind news for you in these harsh times, but I bring you an immediate concern of our family. Little Tarek, who has not even reached his sixth year has vanished. Our Father, the king, thinks little brother Tarek is a disobedient child. He also declares that he will not recall any of the men to search for him. As the seventh son, I fear our Father, the king, cares not about little brother. I pray you Brothers Zeno, return swiftly to River City. I am much afraid and seek your counsel. I fear little Tarek has run away for good. Our dear Madra has not stopped weeping and little Greda will not cease either.

With all my Tenderest love, your dear sister,

You can be certain that I was much beside myself. I would have rushed to my Madra and sister's aide immediately, but I had a commitment to the army. In view of our recent Victory, I have much hope that I will be home before long. But I hesitate to share this havey news with my brothers Yaron and Xander. 

Being the 4th day of Bleak times
Our enemies have much deceived us. I fear a traitor is among us. Dear friends of mine have been lost. Their blood spilled over the sands. The enemy slipped around behind us, now we are trapped on the beach. The enemy surrounds us on every side. I fear we may be ruined. Rupert raised high our standard and charged unarmed at the enemy. His three brothers followed close. They were killed, yet Rupert remained unharmed. Xander mangled the enemy Flagship with a warhead. I shall take note to honor both Xander and Rupert. But first we must defeat these Barbarian Warriors.

Brother Yaron counseled me to hold a Parley. My dear brother has a sound advice. Rupert, El Lee and I took the white flag out. We met with the Enemy Lords and discussed peace. I fear their demands are too steep. They demand the hand of sister Anne for their prince and half the kingdom. I told him our King will never agree to such harsh demands. Now brother Xander is angry. He says that we should have made demands too.
You make it sound like we are the ones surrendering!” He yelled. I made no response. We were the ones surrendering.

Being the 5th day of the Bleak times
Xander has been confined to Barracks. He secretly parlayed With the Enemy and told him that we would destroy them unless they gave into our demands. He demanded all of the enemy Kingdom and the hand of their princess for me. I was not happy with him. What would I do with a princess? I was still pondering this, when I received another letter from Sister Anne.

Dearest Brother Zeno,
Greetings, I trust this letter finds you in good health.
Oh Dear Zeno, you must come soon. Little Greda has run away now. Our father, the King, has called her a selfish impudent child, but does not seem to have much concern. Oh dearest brother, I feel as if only you can save them. I trust no one else to such a task.
In haste your loving sister,

I would give much to hasten home and relieve my frantic mother and sister. I supposed little Greda to have more sense than to run away. There was must be a deeper reason. Oh if only I were free to return home.

Being the 12th day of Bleak times
For the last week my poor regiment has had no peace. The enemy oppressed us mightily. Many of my soldiers have been taken prisoner or killed. I have requested aide from the Glittering Cities, but received no reply. I have much reason to fear that my father, the King, will not grant me aide.

Today brother Yaron lost his temper and called our Battle of adviser a tarnal fool. I have been meaning to say that for some time now, but I still rebuked my brother. It does not pay to insult the battle adviser. The adviser was really angry, he told my brother to advise the army himself. Of course I would never say this to the adviser but brother Yaron has more advice of sense than he did. With my brother's well-thought-out plans. We tricked the enemy into our camp. While they were destroying it, we circled around and attacked them from the rear. In the confusion many of them fled into the sea. We took more prisoners and slew the rest. I cannot imagine the enemy will try surrounding us on shore again. I believe this war is really truly over.

Being the 13th day of the Bleak Time
I receive many letters from home Madra and Anne pleaded for help in searching for our little lost Tarek and Greda. Anne also made mention that Captain Bluebeard has grown much more serious towards our sister Cassandra and that our father, the king, encouraged them. Sister Beatrice complained about the lack of eligible men. She wanted me to hurry up and complete the war so the men would return to the Glittering Cities. Sister Cassandra wrote a silly gushing letter about the many qualities of Captain Bluebeard. To heap insult on injury, she offered to find me a pretty bride so I would not be jealous of her. Sisters Beatrice and Cassandra really upset me. Here I was shedding my blood for my people and they write foolish little self centered letters. I have shed my blood too. I have a bad wound on my left leg, just above the knee. It makes it most difficult to walk. I have another wound on my right cheek, where I was grazed with flying shrapnel from a war hammer.

I was still seething from the last two letters, when I opened the letter from the triplets. Waylan, Deborah and Varek are quite naughty. Their letter was an amusing one full of pranks, silliness and general cheerfulness. Nothing shallow. By the time I finished, my temper had cooled and I was smiling. Easter sent me a letter. She is worried about her twin sister Fiona. Fiona is our true sister, but our father, the King, cast her out of the family because he wished to maintain the boy, girl, boy, girl pattern. He could not adopt a boy that could fall in place directly between the twins as he had done with Cassandra. The only time Madra has directly disobeyed her husband, the king, is when she hid Fiona at court instead of sending her away.

The last letter I received was from brother Uli. He confessed a terrible crime. He said that Tarek and he had found a mirror and played with it. The mirror had shattered and piece had struck Tarek in the eye. The little boy had claimed to be unhurt, but he started acting strangely. Only one day after that, he had run away. I was shocked and horrified. What enchantments had laid upon that mirror? The letter did not end there, but went on to explain that he had confided in Greda and she had run away to find Tarek. Poor sweet loyal little Greda. I must find her and Tarek

Being the 14th Day of the Bleak Time
I left the camp under the direction of brother Yaron and the battle master's joint command. I planned on returning as soon as was possible. The return journey was painful. My leg ached. It was starting to swell in the intolerable heat. I heard in the far North it snows at this time of the year. I could use some snow to cool my leg. I made a mental note to visit the doctor.

Being the 16th Day of the Bleak Time
I arrived home and had my wounds treated properly, but my relief was short lived. I had just stepped out of the infirmary, when sister Cassandra approached and started bragging about the attendance of Lord Bluebeard.
He has asked me to honor him by becoming his bride!” she sighed. My temper snapped.
Sister, he is old enough to be thy father!” I cried, “Besides he is not good!” Cassandra burst into loud sobs then ran off screaming. I wish I was back in the war camp. I hope father has the intelligence to realize the Captain should not marry Cassandra. She needs a real man like the soldiers in the army camp. Someone who could smooth out her spoiled nature.

Being the 18th Day of the Bleak Time
Captain Bluebeard has officially asked for Cassandra's hand in marriage. Our father, the king, has said yes and the engagement feast is planned for tomorrow night, where it will be officially announced. My heart is heavy. Sister Anne is worried, because she knows the Captain is selfish and cruel. Beatrice is angry because she is jealous. The triplets could not care less. Easter thinks the captain is too ugly to be romantic. Uli thinks marriage in general is disgusting. I fear this marriage will cause Cassandra to drift away from the family circle forever. Captain Bluebeard already hates me and will not think twice to turn my sister against me. I fear he may have already done as much. Fiona of course has nothing to say as usual.

Being the 19th Day of the Bleak Time
Every bite of food was bitter in my mouth. The only ones who seemed happy about the engagement were father and Bluebeard's friends. The common folk hate us all, so I fear they could care less. I shall return to war camp soon. But I swear if Bluebeard ever harms so much as one hair of my sister's head, I will kill him.

Being the 21st Day of the Bleak Time
I am back in the camp. Things are slow. The enemy sits in their ships and waits. Brother Xander wishes to do battle before they get reinforcements. I think his idea is wise, but brother Yaron counsels us to wait. I have much reason to assume he has a secret plan. I wish he would see fit to confide in me.

Being the 24th Day of the Bleak Time
Today would have been Little Tarek's sixth birthday. Wherever he is, I pray he has a most pleasant day with many happy wishes.

This day was marked in my mind. I led the army into the water. This is the first time occupants of the glittering city entered the water. Brother Yaron had sent for a load of trees. We set them afloat in the dead of night and clung to them while we floated to the ships. The enemy had not expected us, as we had never shown the inclination to go in the water before. We really need to get our own ships. We burnt all the ships but one and executed all the prisoners except ten. These ten we chained aboard the ship. Tomorrow Brothers Yaron, Xander, the rest of the captains and I will sail around the island to the Glittering Cities. That ought to make an impression on my father, the King.

Being the 25th Day of the Bleak Time
I despise sailing. I spent all day kneeling by the rail heaving my insides overboard. To be fair, so did all the others, except Xander. He single handedly kept the prisoners sailing the ship towards River City. We were met by armed men at the wharf. They looked shocked, when we disembarked instead of the enemy. I swear that I shall never set foot on a ship as long as I live and breathe.

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