Sunday, March 4, 2018



I was looking at my mom's blog here and I came across this post. Here. I decided to steal the tag thing. She called it a meme, is that the same thing as a tag?

If you have a blog you are tagged..........

1. If my life were fiction it would be set in: 

Royaume. What better place to go, then to my own world? I think I would visit the seven kingdoms, but live in Nimrode, although that is a little close to the Flagrin Raiders.

2. Right now I would be wearing:

I love Eowyn's dresses. I would wear them all even the funeral one, which was my least favorite. This would probably be considered a peasant dress in some parts of Royaume.

3. The biggest crisis I would be facing would be:

If dragons or raiders were going to attack my village.

4. My biggest joy would come from:

The Return of the true Pendragon.

5. The most frustrating daily challenge would be:

Keeping my house clean and my adventuring family happy. Lots of food, won't always keep people from treasure hunting. 

6. Looking out my window, I would see:

One view would be trees and the mountains that divide Nimrode from Bram
the other view would be
the rocky shore and the Frestone Ocean.

7. The other characters in the story would be:

Buck the boy King of Nimrode
And of course the Nimrode Rangers. Kif, Hansel, Olaf and so on.
And of course their are the other people I will meet on my trip to the Seven Kingdoms.

8. An essential element of a happy ending would be:

All the family getting back together and anyone previously thought dead would turn out to be still alive. 

I guess that is all.



  1. Blog memes (not to be confused with image memes for social media) seem to be blog link-ups or something like that. I would definitely consider this a tag though. I hereby christen it "The Fictional Portal Tag".

    And thanks for passing it on to me!


    P.S. I love your new header, it fits you much better than the old one and much better resolution :).

    1. Hmmm... interesting. Thanks for telling me. :)

      Good title. Maybe I'll change the name of the post to "The Fictional Portal Tag." :D

      Thank you. I was experimenting. I'm glad this one looks better.

  2. This is such a cool tag, Eowyn. :)I loved reading your answers....
    Eowyn's dresses are so pretty, though I like Tauriel's outfits more due to the fact that it is sort of a dress yet you can fight in it without tripping over your dress or worse.
    And the world you created is so awesome.
    also,*squeals* I have a blog, I can do the tag then! :D

    1. Thank you Quinley. Got it from my mom, so can't take the credit. :D I would probably wear Tauriel's outfit if I was planning on going to war. :D But there was peace in Nimrode at the time I made the tag. :D
      Thank you. It's always good to know one's private world is awesome. :D YES! Do the tag. I need to start looking at other people's blogs again. I've gotten so busy I don't do it much anymore. But I want to read your answers. :D
