Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Randomness, mostly paper dolls.

I haven't posted in awhile, so here is a couple of paper dolls, and a book cover.

 Name: Bartholomew
Age: somewhere between 8 and 10
Book: Attic Mysteries
Backstory: Bartholomew is an orphan in the 1940s, who is sent to an old house in the country because of the air raids.

 Name: Grass
Age: 9
Book: Sky and Companions
Backstory: Grass is one of Sky's missing cousins. He doesn't show up until halfway through the series. But he was living on one of the other Naturite islands.

 Name: Princess Livia
Age: 16
Book: A Ranger's Quest (A younger version of her may appear in the "Pendragon Saga")
Backstory: Livia is King Arthur's eldest daughter. She puts together a quest to rescue her youngest brother from his kidnappers.

 Name: Red
Age: Probably 15 or 16
Book: An Apprentice's Revenge
Backstory: No idea, I haven't started this book yet.

 Title: Ships Under the Sky
Series: Sky and Companions
Book: 10
Synopsis: Sky, Dill, Pepper, Basil and Berry, stow aboard the Wolfbane with the help of raider Trig and his nephew, Rothgar. But they are found right away, and imprisoned in the hold, where they are surprised to find Winter and Hyacinth.

Name: Sky Heavenview
Age: Currently 19
Book: Sky and Companions
Backstory: Sky is a restless girl from the Naturite Islands, who gets into a whole lot of messes and adventures.

Name: Nancy Clerk
Age: 16
Book: I Believe
Backstory: Nancy is tired of being the only girl in the apartment house. She detests boys. But she when her brothers leave for the war, she does admit she misses them.



  1. Hmm...somehow I feel like I recognize the one that is third from the bottom. I wonder why :D


    1. I can't imagine where you would have seen it! :D

  2. I love Sky's outfit! Great pictures =) God bless!


    1. Thank you, Emma! :)
      I'm always experamenting with her clothes. I want something unique but not weird. :D

  3. Did you draw all those?

