Monday, October 16, 2017

Paper dolls

It's been awhile since I last posted paper dolls. Mostly because I haven't made any in awhile. But here are the paper dolls.

Name: Alexander Raymond
Nickname: Pal
Age: 10
Book: Life of the Criminal Mozart
Meet Pal: I sneaked out the back door, my arms laden with loot, when I discovered that my way was blocked by a little kid of ten or eleven.
"Step back buddy and drop 'em cookies!" he ordered, "This is a stickup!" I dropped the cookies and made my hands into fists.
"You ain't touching 'em cookies, I stole 'em unfair and square!"
"No one says no to Pal!" he yelled, then he let out a bloodcurdling war cry and rushed me.

Name: Alexandria Raymond
Nickname: Apple
Age: 10
Book: Life of the Criminal Mozart
Meet Apple: She was one tough lady, but I wasn't giving up. She had the secret information I needed to track down the evil Marmalade thief.
"Go away, Mozart!" she said.
"Come on Apple!" I pleeded, "Be a sport!" She glowered at me, then ran towards her house screaming.
"Mom? Oh mommy, he's calling me names again!"

 Name: Arthur Disinvegas
Age: 15
Book: The Red Lion
Meet Arthur: Ecclesio looked back at the cripple. He looked sad, but he was dressed in a blue page boy uniform. Who would train a cripple to be a warrior? Arthur noticed Ecclesio staring at him. The two boys stared at each other.
"Look at their eyes!" Venturus shouted. The others stared at him in surprise, except for Ecclesio. Arthur's dark blue eyes, had the same silver specks in them that Ecclesio's dark brown eyes had.

As seen in "Raiders in the Winter"
Name: Winter Farsight
Age: 20
Book: Sky and Companions
Meet Winter: Winter whipped his sword out and jumped between his two younger companions.
"Only over my dead body will you touch one hair of their bodies!" he shouted.
"Precisely what I mean to do!" Redjack sneered.

Name: Joan
Book: The Royal Heart
(Book not started)


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