Thursday, October 12, 2017

Prince Charming's Diary, part 12

Prince Charming's Diary
Prince John

Day 34
Today I officially joined Master Won's traveling circus. Believe me, when I say it was even worse being involved in the troupe, then just watching. When “eligible” maidens failed to fit the shoe, they threw themselves at my feet, clutching at my boots and howling. It was positively disgusting. One girl said she was the mystery princess but her feet had swollen overnight. Cinderella was not a princess. Another one said she had accidentally tried the shoe on the wrong foot. She had already tried it on both feet. I heard one stupid excuse after another. All I had to do was look at their faces. None of them looked remotely like Cinderella. The only girl I had seen who resembled her at all was Ella Marie. Wait a minute, Ella Marie and Cinderella not only look alike, but act alike too. Maybe they are sisters. They can NOT be the same person, can they? Wouldn't I have recognized her? Something seems very wrong here.

Day 35
This morning, as I sat yawning in my chair, I had the horror to see one of Ella's horrible sisters. She approached me in a hideous gown that made by eyes burn. Yellow, orange and pink should never be on the same outfit, in my humble opinion. In fact they should never even be in the same room together.
“Your highness!” she cooed and barged to the front of the line. I hate pushy people!
“Go away!” I mouthed. She snatched the shoe from Master Won and crammed it on her foot. Master Won tapped his fingers together and pinched his lips tightly. I dropped my head into my hands and groaned. The girl began to huff and puff. The shoe would not slide onto her foot. She dropped to the ground and began to roll around. I took a secret satisfaction in the way her dress was turning out. Muddy! But she was really annoying me. I glanced at Master Won.
“Get rid of her!” I hissed. Master Won signaled to the guards. She was forcefully removed.
“It is mine!” she screamed, “Give it back!”
“No!” I said angrily, “Also, when you greet your mother for me, be sure to tell her to get a cat! Mice in the kitchen are truly horrific!” she shut up. Cannot say I blame her. She was probably trying to forget that unfortunate kitchen experience.

Day 36
As I saw the lines of girls this afternoon, I wanted to scream. Instead I grabbed Master Won by the jerkin.
“Get a hold of yourself man!” I cried, “You are killing me!” Master Won slid out of my grasp and smoothed down his clothes.
“You should return home, your highness.” He said soothingly, “In my country we would say you were exhausted.”
“We say that here!” I grumbled. Master Won bowed. I hesitated, then an idea popped into my mind. If it worked, it might speed everything up.
“I will go home and rest.” I said, “Meanwhile you go from house to house, skip the town lineups. It's the same girls coming over and over again.”
“As you wish.” he said with a low bow. I went to fetch my things, also to avoid the girls.

Day 37
Yesterday I agreed to go home. But I did not. All I had to do was disguise myself as a peasant and follow the circus. I do not trust Won and I want to steal the shoe, preferably to shatter it. But first I need to study it. It has got to be magic. My family has a history of magic. Jaden turned into a frog, Justin killed a dragon fairy and James turned into a beast. I believe Joseph was mortal enemies with some kind of witch at one point too. It figures that would have some magic in my life too. Even if it is only a girls silly high heeled shoe.

Day 38
I am not sure what Master Won has been doing in the country manors, but he seems to be enjoying himself. We have made a large loop and are back in the village near the castle again. I have to hide. People recognize me, more then I would have expected. I suppose that is Master Won's doing.

Day 39
Master Won reached Ella's house today. There was no sign of Ella Marie of course. Lady Miranda opened the door and curtsied. She smiled evilly. I was watching from behind the wall. Just looking at her, sent shivers up and down my back.
“This way gentlemen.” she cooed, and she led the group into the house. Only two guards remained behind. They stationed themselves on either side of the door. I climbed over the garden wall and confronted them. They pointed their spears at me. I mentally kicked myself because of my disguise. I pulled my hat off and glared at them. Immediately they started bowing and nodding. They were still bowing as I rushed into the house.

Lady Miranda and Master Won were talking in the parlor. The same sister I had seen a few days ago, was repeating the same actions on the floor. Her other sister was kicking her. I am surprised that they are not ashamed to be pursuing me, after the rotten way they treated me on my first visit. I tiptoed past the door and ran for the steps. Now was my chance to find Ella. I had taken about three steps when the sound of shattering reached my ears. Had someone had broken the slipper? I ran back downstairs.

“We are at an understanding then, madame.” I heard Master Won say. I peered around the room. Now the second sister was trying on the shoe. She had knocked over a table that had a china plate on it. It was the plate, not the shoe that had broken.
“You get the new slipper, I shall dispose of this one.” Lady Miranda said smoothly. A cold shiver ran down my back. Master Won and that creepy lady were making sinister plans. Plans that involved a new shoe. One that would probably fit one of Lady Miranda's daughters.
“Of course if the real girl is ever found, we will see that she is gotten rid of.” Master Won said calmly. I turned and bolted for the stairs. I needed to see Ella again. I had to sort out this mess, also to save her from the traitors. I was never going to marry one of those rotten girls.

The further up the steps the more creaky and rattly they got. They also sagged and swayed. No one should have ever had to climb those steps. They were dangerous. I went to the top of the tower and found my way barred by a closed door. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I banged on it.
“Ella?” I cried. There was no answer. I turned to go, feeling dejected. I would check the cellar next.
“John?” a familiar voice cried suddenly. I froze in the point of walking down the steps. I was not sure if the voice was familiar because it was Ella or Cinderella. I was thoroughly confused on that subject, by now. Someone had obviously used some kind of Magic. I could see why Justin and James hated fairies. They were so confusing.
“Ella?” I whispered, there was a short pause.
“John, you have to get of here.” the girl wailed, “My stepmother will kill you.”

“Sorry lady, you have to try on the dumb shoe!” I cried and slammed my shoulder into the door. It was painful, but the it shivered slightly. I rammed into it again and again. By the fourth time it had broken open. I tumbled into the room. Ella came running, as I fell flat on my face. “You are Cinderella.” I gasped.
“My fairy Godmother made it so no one would recognize me at the ball.” she sobbed.
“What?” I gaped. Well, this would prove James and Justin's theories about fairies hating us.
“Never mind.” she said and helped me to my feet.
“Quick, go down and try the shoe on.” I cried, as I rubbed my bruised shoulder. Now it was her turn to stare at me.
“Just go!” I cried, and gave her a gentle push. She ran down the steps. I followed at a much slower pace. People who can bust down doors like I just did and still run after that are obviously faking somewhere.

I had gone about halfway down the treacherous steps when I heard Ella speaking to Master Won and Lady Miranda.
“I have not tried on the shoe.” she said quietly.
“Cinders cannot do it!” one of the evil stepsisters shrieked. I winced.
“You try on a shoe.” Lady Miranda sneered, “I suppose this slipper belongs to you?”
“No!” Ella replied.
“Glad to know you have a streak of honesty.” the other sister sneered.
“May I try on the shoe?” Ella asked firmly.
“What shoe?” Master Won demanded. For the second time in five minutes I heard the sound of shattering glass. “Oopsies!” Master Won sneered. He was lucky that my fingers could not reach his neck at the moment.
“That was my fairy Godmother's slipper!” Ella cried. I forgot about my bruises and ran the rest of the way down the swaying steps.

As I reached the foot of the stairs, I discovered Master Won was just telling his guards to grab Ella. The shoe was smashed all over the parlor floor. I burst into the room. Everyone grew silent. Master Won forced a smile.
“Unfortunately the priceless slipper was destroyed so I am afraid we must send this maiden away.” he said weekly. I stared at the shattered fragments in dismay.
“This might help.” Ella said. She pulled another slipper out of her pocket. I nearly kissed her.
“What? No!” Lady Miranda gasped, “Give that to me!” she made a grab for the shoe. I slid between her and Ella.
“It is mine!” the taller stepsister squealed.
“MINE!” her sister screeched. Both lunged at Ella. I drew my short sword. Peasants did not carry swords so I did not have mine. The sisters drew back with loud shrieks. Then one bent over, snatched up a stool and hurled it at me. I ducked. I could not fight girls. The other one leaped towards my throat.
“Get him Hazel!” the taller one screeched, and clapped her hands. I spun away from her, right into Master Won's sword.

“Ella, put on the blasted shoe!” I yelled, then I glared at Master Won, “Sorry, but you are so banished.” I moved my head to include lady Miranda in my glare, “You too!” She drew a knife. Blast! There was only one way to go. I parried Won's sword with my only short sword. Then we started dueling. He danced out of my reach, then jabbed over the top of my blade. With the extended length of his long arms and sword he could reach me easily, but I could not reach him. I swayed to the side, and leaped in. He jerked around and tried to get me. I kicked at his hand. He yelled and dropped his sword. I rushed to finish him. The next thing I knew a horrible burning pain shot through my stomach. Won had a knife. I staggered backwards, clutching at a bleeding hole in my stomach. I stared at the dripping blade in his hands with surprise. So this was how my life would end? What a waste!
“Now you die!” Won jeered, I fell to my knees.
“Do not drip on the carpet!” Lady Miranda screeched.

Suddenly a glass slipper came flying through the air and smashed into Won's face. He let out a yell and stumbled. I staggered to my feet, snatching up my short sword in process.
“Come and fight like a man?” I cried. With one hand, I clutched at my wound, and with the other, I clenched the short sword. Won shook his head as if to clear the daze left my the shoe hitting him in the face. Hazel made another grab at me.
“Oh no you do not!” Ella snapped. She grabbed Hazel by the collar and spun her around.
“Let go, Cinders!” the other sister squealed and grabbed Ella's hair. Won hurled himself at me. I blocked his blow. He let out a stream of curses as he rained blow after blow down upon me. Gasping for breath, I parried them. But he was driving me into a corner.
“If any of you get blood on the carpet, I will slice you into mincemeat!” Lady Miranda snarled. I leaped backwards, and slammed into the wall.
“Got you!” Won chortled. I leaned against the wall, then kicked Won in the ribs.
“Wha-?” he gasped and went flying backwards. He did a back roll then came up on his feet, his sword still in his hands. For a dancing instructor, he certainly could wield a sword fairly well. I kicked a tabled at him. He spun to the side. I rushed forward. He threw the bloody knife at me. I caught it. Did a spin and froze.

Master Won had grabbed Ella, and had his knife press against her neck. Both Hazel and what is the other one's name, were lying on the floor, more or less unconscious. There was also a tea tray and Lady Miranda was standing on a chair howling.
“You know what happens next?” Won growled. I glanced around, then lowered my short sword.
“Yes.” I mumbled.
“Excellent!” the ex-dancing instructor said. I started to approach me. I kicked a a pile of shattered glass in his direction. He tried to sidestep it, just as Ella grabbed his arm and hoisted herself upwards, so her feet were not touching the floor. This threw Won off balance. I leaped over Hazel and slammed my shoulder into Won. He toppled over. I caught Ella and pulled her to her feet.
“Saved, I guess.” I said.
“I think you might be right.” she replied seriously.

Day 40

And then I married Ella and everyone lived happily ever after....I wish. There was a big mess. Jadan, Justin and James are really mad at me. I told them I was going to marry Cinderella. But her fairy Godmother is the same fairy that cursed all of them or in Justin's case, tricked him. To bad for them. I have no grudge against this fairy, except that she thought it funny to make it so I would not recognize Ella at the ball. But I guess everything turned out alright in the end. I banished both Lady Miranda and Master Won. Public enemies one and two! Tomorrow I leave for the shore. I will join father in his endeavor to kill piracy. When I come back, I shall marry Ella.

The End


  1. That was so good Emily I loved the ending. Now I can't wait until you post more of the play (hint hint):)

    1. Thank you and Good! I posted it. But it's really short.
