Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ships Under the Sky character drawings

It's been awhile since I posted any character drawings from one of my books. These drawings are from "Ships Under the Sky" book 10 of the "Sky and Companions" series. 

 Name: Sky Heavenview
Age: 19
Rank: Hero
Sky has been the heroine for the majority of the books.

 Name: Dill Clearwater
Age: 13
Rank: Ally
Dill was the ally in the very first Sky book. Since then he has aged about three years.

 Name: Pepper
Age: 10
Rank: Ally
Pepper is Dill's younger sister. She is a more recent character.

Name: Basil
Age: 9
Rank: Ally
Basil and his twin sister Berry just met Sky in the previous book, "Stormy Sky." They are Dill and Pepper's younger siblings.

 Name: Berry
Age: 9 (Yeah, I made her look to old)
Rank: Ally
Same as Basil.

 Name: Hyacinth
Age: 19
Rank: Ally
Hyacinth is Sky's twin brother. He is married to Skara, who is somewhere in Flagrin with a talking horse.

Name: Winter Farsight
Age: 21
Rank: Depends on who you ask
The long suffering friend of Sky. He has known her since before the first book.

 Name: Captain Gram
Age: Somewhere in his 50s or 60s
Rank: Villain
Captain Gram is the owner of the Wolfbane. He plans on selling Sky and companions to the pirates.

Name: Trig
Age: somewhere in his 40s
Rank: Mentor
Sailor on the Wolfbane. He randomly helps Sky and Companions.

 Name: Rothgar
Age: somewhere around 14-16
Rank: Side character
I forget, he is either Trig's cousin or nephew. But he distracted Captain Gram and the rest of the crew so Trig could sneak Sky and companions on board. Rothgar is one of the three prophesied who can truly hear dragons. He can also see them, when no one else can. People think he is crazy.

Name: Redjack
Age: late 20s early 30s
Rank: unrevealed
Redjack appeared in the prologue of this book and mistook Winter for Hyacinth. Winter hasn't found out why, yet.

 Name: Baron Engle
Age: 60s
Rank: side character
The Baron of Vengard, a fief in the region of Alister. He is Emiline Migaroo's foster father. She is the heroine of a different series.

 Name: Sir Alec
Age: 50s
Rank: side character
The Baron's battlemaster. Sir Alec is Richard Marcusson's foster father.

Name: Will Shepson
Age: 13 or 14
Rank: Side character
Will Shepson is Sir Alec's squire. He is another character from the "Queen of the Black Land" series.
