I have finally finished the "Man of Shadow" drawings. They look much better in real life, because I didn't darken them with pen, and the scanner doesn't pick pencil up very well.
Beware, this spoils a lot of stuff for the story. All the Stickers backstories have more or less been made up on the spot.
James Casper.
Originally called James Cowin, in "Thunder in the Academy" Jim changed his last name. The Cowins were his adopted family. Casper was the name his real father used. Jim never got the chance to ask him if that was even his real last name. Jim spent two years searching for his real dad, then gave up and got a job at the Shadow Enterprise in Chicago.
Shadow Man
Jim's alter ego. Chicago's own superhero. Actually, he isn't a superhero, he's a Justice Hero. They aren't the same thing. Back when he was in Herbermiester's Academy for the Gifted, Jim got an F- on his supervillain/hero suit. The suit is just a black cloak, cap, jeans, sweat shirt, sneakers and a stocking mask. It might look alright from the distance, but up close it looks weird.
Elizabeth Bolshim.
Liz wants to think she is normal. Unfortunately, normal people don't work at the Shadow Enterprise. Liz is favorite topic is Justice Heroes. She can rant about them for like, forever. Her parents didn't approve, especially since Justice Heroes have a habit of dying off. Previously, before working for the Enterprise, Liz lived with her parents and grandparents in the White house, where one of her relatives is the president. I haven't done the backstories for a lot of these people yet.
The Shadow Enterprise was loosing money, the co-workers were afraid that this other corporation would buy them out. Liz came up with the idea for a Justice Hero comic book about Shadow Man. Not surprisingly, Jim disliked the idea.
Justin Mardrin.
I know this name has been spelled with an e before, but now it's officially with an i. Some of you will know this person as Jane's brother. (He was in "Rubbish Inventor", except, he was about nineteen then). Jane would be ten in this book.
At fourteen, Justin Mardrin is the youngest worker at the Enterprise. Like Jim, he loves his caps. Justin's family lives in Wisconsin, but in the summer, Mr. Mardrin has a special top secret government job, in Chicago. Justin likes to stay with his dad, in Chicago, so he can work at the enterprise. Sometimes Jane or one of the other Mardrin siblings goes along too.
Matthew Radrigo.
Sour faced grump, often called Moody, Matthew, has worked at the Shadow Enterprise for a very long time. He is the tallest worker and favors black. Justin modeled the Shadow Man in their comic strip after Moody, which Jim thought was really funny.
Moody's talent is martial arts. He also carries a concealed knife with him. A knife he knows how to throw.
Bunny Rice.
Although, she is twenty-one, Bunny, who is more often called Pink, is very tiny. Pink favors fluffy pink dresses. Her golden blond curls, pale face, rosy cheeks and big blue eyes, make her resemble a china doll. She, like Moody, has worked at the Enterprise for a long time.
Pink may be small. She may look helpless, but she brings the word, road rage, to a whole new level. Heaven forbid that you are in a car with Pink, in Chicago, during rush hour!
Nicole Brians.
Nicole, has a strange fashion sense. She loves orange, stripes, polka dots, and heels. Just imagine how that would look. She also is in the habit of blowing multi-colored gum, and is not above dying her hair. Her hair is really black, but she likes it auburn.
Boss, wasn't pleased to discover that Nicole has a concealed weapon permit and carries a gun to work at the Enterprise.
Edmund Flick.
Edmund mostly acts normal, but like Liz, he isn't completely normal. Edmund, is the photographer for the Enterprise, and cameras are his pride and joy. Unfortunately, he used his best and most expensive camera to steal a quick picture of Shadow Man. This little episode ended with his camera being smashed on the road, eight stories below his feet. He was standing on the roof.
Edmund, who is sometimes called the Flick, takes his job to a whole new level of seriousness. Braking and entering, is something that Edmund will do if it means a great story or even just a great picture. The police don't like him much.
Andrew Rasidi.
Nicknamed Boss, by his co-workers, Andrew is the go between for the Enterprise workers and the their mysterious boss who they call King. Andrew, is a very small for man, but with a big sarcastic temper. (Think the Inconceivable dwarf from the "Princess Bride".
Even thought, Boss is a bit cowardly, and his co-workers annoy him, he cannot bare the thought of being left out of an exciting showdown. He volunteers to go on the rescue mission and use his phone to call backup. He never got the chance to call 911 because Pink's method for picking up a string of cops was foolproof.
The Mysterious man who stays hidden in his office. Who is he?
One of the original Justice Heroes. Moth is Jim's father, an alien from Venus. Jim was born on Venus too, but after a year he was moved to earth and raised there, with no knowledge of his nationality. When the other Justice Heroes were kidnapped and hauled off to the Star Ship, Moth managed to escape.
Steven Radrigo.
Moody's no good persnickety sixteen year old cousin. Member of Stickers. Steven was previously, one of Jim's classmates at Herbermiesters.
Steven's alter ego. When he was really small, Steven's parents died, and his aunt and uncle (Moody's parents) took him in. They were mean to him and made him feel like they really couldn't afford him and had to give up everything fun so they could scratch up enough money for them to keep him out of an orphanage. When Steven accidentally injured his eyes in a science experiment, he was afraid to tell his relatives, because they would yell at him, and say they couldn't afford it. Then he was approached by Igor Shelmen/Snakeman, who said he could get him a free operation. Steven expected. When he woke up after the operation, he found that he had laser beams in his eyes, and he would never be normal again. Once he accidentally burnt down his uncle's barn, his relatives kicked him out, and put him in Herbermiesters where surprisingly he got scholership. Of course, that had been Igor's plan all along, and Sarah Neils had no trouble convincing Steven to use his new power for evil.

Thomas Harson.
Thomas ties with Steven in being the youngest member of Stickers. Thomas like the rest of the Stickers gang went to school at Herbermiesters.
Thomas' dad died when he was still a baby. His mother had no time for him. So his grandfather took him into his castle in the Highlands of Scotland. (None of the family was Scottish) The grandfather was a proud member of the Mad Scientist Club. So Thomas spent thirteen years among crazy people, where he became obsessed with poison. He designed a glove that was dipped in poison and had claws, if you were scratched with it, you would die within minutes. After his grandfather died, Thomas went to Herbermiesters for two years. His mother disowned him after finding out he was giving her two options, let him be a villain or a Mad scientist.
Igor Valentine.
Igor, is the oldest member of the Stickers and the youngest of twelve brothers. By the time Jim started school at the Academy, Igor was already graduated and fighting superheroes. His archenemy was the Mask. Unfortunately neither got a chance to have grand final battle.
Igor was intelligent, unfortunately his brothers were all way more intelligent then him. His mother was his father's second wife, so actually his eleven brothers were really his stepbrothers. Igor spent sixteen years being snubbed by his scientific family, he didn't mind so much, until his mother died, and his friends all decided he wasn't cool, then he felt alone and miserable. Mr. Valentine detested seeing someone drag himself around complaining, so he was pleased when his boss Cornwallis asked him to send one of his sons to Herbermiesters and find out what was going on there. Igor went, but only needed two days to decide, that he wasn't reporting anything. At Herbermiesters, they may have been teaching him to be a villain, but no one treated him like garbage. Igor desinged a hover skate board and was able to fly with it. His headphones gave him teleporting power. This was all stuff he wouldn't have been allowed to do at Cornwallis.
Calvin Carver.
Calvin was an orphan, a pet of Igor Shelmen (who isn't the same person as Igor Valentine, I'll just call him Snakeman). Snakeman dug Calvin out of an orphanage to use as an experiment, before putting him in Herbermiesters.
Calvin spent five years dreaming about being taken out of the orphanage and adopted by a loving family. Unfortunately, Snakeman had other ideas in his mind when he adopted Calvin. After a few horrific experiments, Calvin's hands had been altered, so they could morph into meat cleavers. Calvin hated it. But with a little counselling from his teachers at Herbermiesters and Sarah, he was convinced that it was the world's fault, so he should take his anger out on the world.
Kaman Howard.
Kaman had three sisters and a baby brother, he had loving parents, who both had high paying jobs. They were rich. They were high society. What went wrong?
Kinkajou Killer.
Kaman's parents were scientists. They had fun and worked, but always made time for their children. Kaman, himself loved working with animals. His parents gave him a Kinkajou, which was his favorite. But one day, while his parents were conducting an experiment, Kaman's kinkajou got loose. He chased it into his parents lab and crashed into their tester. The next thing Kaman knew, he was flying. His parents panicked. They didn't want a genetically modified kid. People would think they had done experiments on him. They considered sending Kaman to Cornwallis, but decided it was to close, so they sent him to Herbermiesters, because it was all the way in England and the wouldn't have to see him. Kaman was very bitter about this betrayal and killed his Kinkajou, which his parents sent with him. The Herbermiesters were pleased with Kaman's anger, and used it to inflame his desire to make others suffer as well.
Evan Mountjoy.
Evan was a normal American, who loved junk. He didn't care about superheroes or supervillains, and he lived in Texas.
Evan loved getting in trouble, loved inventing junk, and loved keep out signs, which he always disobeyed. One day, while exploring backstage during a Mad Scientist show, which he had decided was boring, Evan peeked inside a curtained off area. The Mad Scientist was mad alright. He took one look at Evan and threw a bottle of flaming Shag Acid. (Some futuristic acid) While trying to protect his face, Evan flung his hands in front of it. The bottle smashed against his fists, and burnt his hands. The hands were twisted and deformed into ugly claws. In a panic, Evan ran away. Cornwallis agents rescued him, thinking he was one of Snakeman's experiments. Evan rigged up an eavesdropping device, and misunderstood the Cornwallis agents. He thought they were going to dissect him. Once more he ran away. This time, Herbermiesters picked him up and convinced him that they would protect him from the world.
Roger Thompson.
Roger was ordinary. He was from Wisconsin. He was kidnapped.
When he turned nine, Snakeman, kidnapped Roger to use as an experiment. Snakeman was in the middle of the Jekyll experiment, and realized that to complete it, the victim would have to take the liquid with full consent. Roger was not only gullible, but he wasn't afraid of strangers, which turned out to be a big problem. Roger took the medicine, and was given the ability to turn into a wolfish Mr. Hyde. That wasn't exactly what Snakeman wanted, so he put Roger into Herbermiesters where he would be trained to be on the villains side. Snakeman didn't want a big wolf creature as an enemy. Neither did Sarah. She was quick to recruit him into the Stickers club.
Sarah Neils.
The evil leader of Stickers. The one that came up with all the ridiculous names for her gang.
Star Villainess.
Sarah, perfected the power of hypnotizing people, then had her hands fireized. That meant that she could hold and sustain a flame without burning herself. I'm not sure what her backstory is yet.
Professor Q.
Born David Jemson, Q changed his name, when he faked his own death. He was a genus who was always misunderstood because he was different. Cornwallis paid Q's father a lot of money to attend Cornwallis Institute. But poor Q, was disappointed to learn that he was just as much an outsider among the smart perople, as he was among normal people. Q is also the founder of DATH. Some of you will know what that is, and maybe get confused as to weather or not this person is bad or good.
Governor of Chicago.
By 4010 Chicago is so big, she has her own governor.
Jane Mardrin.
Ten year old Jane Mardrin. Justin's younger sister.
Captain Thunder.
Leader of the Young Justice Heroes. Also Jim's best friend and classmate from Herbermiesters.
Young Justice Hero. Another Herbermiester attendee that turned out good.
Shooting Star.
Young Justice Hero. She also attended Herbermiesters.
Shadow Man Comic book.
Shadow Man.
Shadow Man is the fastest runner in the Galaxy. He can run faster then race cars.
The Moth's power is flight.
Shadow Enterprise.
Liz and Jim.
Moody's Knife.
Nicole's gun.
Pink's Car.
Pink's tiny little car fit nine people in it, even though it was only supposed to fit five. It was a tight fit.
Jim's car.
I can see why Jim hated this car. But it was free, so he kept it. He didn't really care when someone put a bomb in it, except he was afraid Liz would get hurt if he hung around her any mroe.
A weird futuristic lamp. The Governor hits Liz on the head with this and she lands in the hospital.
Fire Hydrant.
Jim parked in front of this fire hydrant and Jane gave him a scolding for that.