Monday, April 22, 2019

DoSP Part 1, Uli's Diary


Well, my sister requested I post some more, because I only did the last day in Verek's Diary, so here is the first day in Uli's Diary.

Diary of a Spinner Prince
Part One

Gray Time, Twenty-Four, Hobgoblin Year
Something incredibly strange happened, and no it had nothing to do with the fact that it also happens to be my birthday. That was just a coincidence. I had gone down with Madra and Ester to see Fiona, my disowned sister. Father thought we were doing a tour in honor of my birthday, he would be furious if he knew what we were really doing. But anyway, I ended up riding back early. Rupert, the husband of my adopted sister Cassandra was taking me on a tour of the war camp. We were supposed to leave at the third hour in the morning, so I wanted plenty of rest. Well anyway, I was heading for my chamber when Beatrice came down the corridor. She is my eldest unmarried sister. A real whiner too. Father was with her. She was lamenting over her favorite subject as usual. Mainly that she is twenty-two and still unmarried. But her new grievance was that this magical spirit from a dented lamp threw some wishes about and she wished to be married to a king before the year was over. Since there is only two months left I have my doubts about that. But still, a lot can happen in two months. My brother Verek found himself a wife in only thirty days. But Beatrice would rather whine then actually do something. Anyway, father suddenly clamped his hands to his ears.
“Merciful monstrosities!” he yelled, “Girl shut your mouth! Do you never shut up?” Beatrice looked rather taken aback. Not that this was the first time father had lost his temper. Nor was he such a wonderful man that his snapping at his daughter was a big surprise. He adopted Cassandra for the soul reason of keeping a boy, girl, boy, girl pattern in the family. He disowned Fiona for the same reason. It was lucky for Waylan that Cassandra was adopted, father's first plan was to abandon him. Anyway, he did not often shout at the girls.

“You do not have to shout at me.” Beatrice sniveled, “No one loves me. I am fat, old, and ugly.” she started to sob.
“Ugh!” father growled, “Tomorrow at high tide, you and I are sailing for Ashtaran. The King is a widower and would be delighted to make an alliance.”
“Me get married to a king?” Beatrice cried, beaming through her tears. I made a face and started to snigger. Father glared at me. I clamped my mouth shut. What Beatrice did not realize was that the King of Ashtaran was as old as father and had grownup daughters.

“Good luck on your venture.” I jeered, “Methinks the Genie's wish might have worked after all.” Beatrice looked down her nose at me.
“A lot you know of holy love.” said.
“Uli, for being rude you can accompany us!” father growled. 
“I cannot!” I said calmly, “Remember, Rupert is taking me to-”
“Skip it!” father roared, “If I say you are coming with me, you are, end of conversation!” he turned and stormed off down the corridor. 
“Ugh!” I screamed and kicked a pillar. That hurt like anything and I dearly regretted it.
“You monster!” Beatrice screamed and attacked me, pulling my hair and scratching me, “You boys always ruin everything!”
“I did not want to you any more then you wanted me to come!” I shrieked and escaped into my chamber.

Yes, sadly, that is the extent of the love in my family. I am the sixth son of King Maldirk of the Glittering Island. My name is Uli and this will be my story. At least I shall gain a few adventures like my older brothers. But I do not fancy getting aboard a ship again, though. Bletch! My family, in fact everyone, on the Glittering Island, seems prone to seasickness. Xander and Verek do not do to badly though. Waylan does really poorly.

To Be Continued

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