Saturday, April 20, 2019

DoTP Part 4, Verek's Diary


Diary of a Thief Prince
Part 4

Day Thirteen of my Future Plans,  Being the Twenty-Second day of the Blossom Time

Jasmine was then a lot friendlier to me and even spoke to me during the feast the Sultan threw in my honor. Jasper glowered and the Sultan beamed. I heard slaves and servants whispering. Apparently the princess had turned every single eligible suitor down flat. Her father had despaired of ever marrying her off. But although Jasmine was being friendlier to me I soon found other tensions. Pluto, who never let the princess see him, he showed himself to the Parrot and the Golden White. Although Simba and Ali were just animals they certainly acted as human as Pluto. I caught them in the halls, on the stairs, in the gardens, everywhere together. They were always in the middle of an argument. At least it always sounded like an argument. I got the idea that Simba and Ali did not approve of me and Pluto did not approve of Jasmine. It was really annoying, but then it was none of their business.

“Pluto!” I snapped as I collared the monkey after catching him in the very act of boxing Ali's head. It would have been amusing, except I was trying to court the girl who had said that Ali was one of her very best friends. What she would say if she knew my monkey was slapping her friend, I did not know.
“I know that monkey!” the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I whirled. I had not seen Jasmine come up behind me. She was staring at Pluto as if he were a ghost.
“What monkey?” I gasped. Pluto leaped out the window and vanished from sight. Jasmine darted to the window and looked out.
“I saw a white monkey, it must be the same one!” she stopped, “Then you must be-” I took off down through the palace and did not stop running until I reached my chamber. Jasmine must not find out that I was not much more then a common thief. Stealing bread and lamps and such. I did not want her to know I ran through a dusty market in rags, either. But how long could I hide from Jasmine? It would be impossible to court her if I dared not show my face to her? Somehow I doubted that she would forget to soon either.

Day Fourteen of my Future Plans, Being the Twenty-Third Day of the Blossom Time

“You got me into a lot of trouble by bickering with Ali and Simba.” I told Pluto in a glum voice this morning. The little monkey cocked it's head, then hugged my leg.
“Eek.” he squeaked. I scowled.
“Are you jealous?” I asked. A grin tugged at the corner of my mouth. Pluto did seem very attached to me.

Suddenly I heard familiar voices talking loudly outside of my chamber. I looked at Pluto and my heart sank. I would recognize the voice of Won anywhere. I crept to the curtain and peered out. The Sultan's close companion, Paliak, was talking with none other then my treacherous uncle.
“But Master Won.” Paliak protested.
“No!” Won snapped raising his hands, “It matters not the time or the hour, as they say in my world, but who bringeth the news.”
“Now, that is just plain stupid!” Paliak growled, “No one disturbs the Sultan before noon!”
“His wrath will be great when he discovers that you made me, his oldest and dearest friend, wait!” Won bellowed.
“I was told, no exceptions!” Paliak said dryly, “That includes you!” the two men moved off sill speaking in raised voices.

I slipped out of my chamber and darted silently down the corridor after them. By the time I caught up to Paliak, Won was gone. The Sultan's companion had his hands on his hips and was glaring after Won's retreating back.
“Paliak?” I asked softly, “Who was that?” The man whirled glowering.
“That scum of the universe would style himself the Sultan's dearest and closest friend.” he spat, “Why he is not worthy to tread in these hollowed halls. Him and all his kin!” I squirmed inwardly. What would Paliak say if he knew just how close of kin I was with that monster? I wondered where Blanche was. I guessed the two of them were up to some evil scheme. Maybe they were on the trail of the lamp again. I would have to stay out of sight.

Day Fifteen of my Future Plans, Being the Twenty-Fourth Day of the Blossom Time

Life at the palace took an interesting twist. I was courting a girl that I dared not show my face to for fear of what she would ask. I had to hide from the Sultan because Won stuck to him like a bur. Of course it would only be a matter of time before he discovered who I was. As soon as someone said Prince Verek of the Glittering Island he would know just who exactly the visiting prince was. That is if he did not know already.

Today, I happened to be passing the Sultan's private chamber and I heard Won's voice. So I paused outside the door and listened.
“You know that Jasper is simply incapable of caring for so great a Provence as the Grimwarian Provence.” Won was saying, “I have everything worked out. My sister and I will joint rule with him.”
“Won I told you hundreds  of times, when Jasmine marries, her husband will be a triple ruler with my children!” the Sultan growled.
“What if I were to marry the princess myself?” Won suggested. My hair stood up on end. What was that blackhearted monster suggesting? So he was pretending Aunt Blanche was his sister so as to fool the Sultan. I clenched my fists.

I was about to burst into the chamber and give Won his comeuppance. He strong blow to the head, one that preferably knocked him cold. 
“I should tell you that Jasmine is practically engaged.” the Sultan said. I froze. I had not realized that Jasmine was on very friendly terms with anyone.
“Engaged? Your sour little brat?” Won gasped. I would have cheerfully murderer him for that alone.
“Excuse me?” the Sultan said coldly, “I do not pretend to understand your foreign speech, but my Jasmine is soon to be engaged to visiting rich foreign prince.” My jaw dropped.
“So that is why that showoff prince is here.” Won hissed, “I do not think much about him!” My head whirled. Could the Sultan already be seeing me as his future son-in-law? But what were Jasmine's thoughts upon the matter?

“You have been here two days and had not thought to inquire of the prince his name?” the Sultan sniffed, “I do not think much about that!”
“I had yet to see your Prince!” Won said icily, “I believe he was avoiding me. Now I know why! He is afraid of a the competition! But we shall leave these matters up to the princess, shall we?”
“Yes, we shall!” the Sultan snapped, “But I will speak favorably of Prince.”
“We shall see about that!” Won said. I heard his heavy footsteps approaching the door. I slipped behind a pillar and watched him storm away. The unfaithful fool! Surely Blanche could not approve of his plans. I wondered if he planned to kill Jasmine. Well, not if I had something to say about it.

Day Sixteen of my Future Plans, Being the Twenty-Fifth Day of the Blossom Time

The first streaks of dawn had just appeared on the horizon when I was rudely awakened. Heavy hands grasped my by the throat. I tried to scream, but someone clamped a stinking sweaty hand around my mouth. The thugs were bigger then I was and there were ten of them. They ripped down the balcony curtains and bound me to a heavy chair.
“Our orders are to drown him.” one of the thugs grunted. My eyes widened and I struggled, but in vain. They certainly knew how to tie knots. 
“Well, I ain't lugging 'im all the way to the shore.” another thug growled.
“I got somethin' better.” a third thug said. He held up a his hand. He was wearing a genie ring similar to my own.
“Get on with it!” the first thug said, “I want my pay!” the third genie rubbed the ring. A smaller apparition then my own ring genie appeared.

“What is your third wish, o master!” the genie rumbled with a bow, “My freedom as you promised?”
“Hang your freedom!” the thug growled, “Take this chair and it's occupant and throw into the waters of the Divide!” I shook my head wildly. Then I was falling from a great height. I hit the water with a resounding splash and sank like a stone. Trapped!

The water was greenish brown. I passed strange fish and tangled weeds. My lungs ached. I struggled wildly. But the lack of air was making me week. With one last effort I strained my ring against my ropes. There was a flash and the waters parted. The Genie of the Ring appeared in front of me. He glanced around. Silently I wished for him to save me. He seized the back of my chair and tossed it. I exploded from the water. The gag worked halfway out of my mouth. I was able to spit out water and gag. I soon saw that the chair was sitting on the carpet. But the cloth was becoming sodden.
“Come on carpet!” I gasped, “Take me to shore.”

The carpet slowly slid through the water, sinking with ever second. By the time it reached the rocks, I was up to my neck. The carpet struck bottom and I was stuck, still bound to the chair. But at least my mouth was free. I then proceeded to shout for help. It was not long before a couple of boys came climbing over the rocks.
“Help!” I shouted. They tumbled and slid down to the edge of the water.
“Blimey!” one gasped.
“Climb out.” the other one suggested.
“Well, I would if I could.” I said patiently, “But I happened to be tied to a chair.” The boys kindly pulled me out and untied me. They wanted to take me back to Sandstorm Lodge, but I explained that I had to get back to my lodgings quick, or something bad would happen. 

Once the boys were gone, I rescued the carpet and scrambled over the rocks in the direction of the little town. My plan was to spend the rest of the day drying out then get the genie to take me back to the Sultan's Palace the following morning. I needed the rest badly. One could hardly dash into a Sultan's palace and accuse a nobleman of murder when they were half dead. Besides the carpet was so sodden it could only lift an inch off the ground.

Day Seventeen of my Future Plans, Being the Twenty-Sixth Day of the Blossom Time

I rubbed the ring grandly. I was about to return to the palace. The Genie of the Ring appeared in all his splendor.
“Well, what is your command?” he boomed.
“Take me back to the palace of the Sultan.” I said with a yawn.
“You have but one wish and you need to use that to free me from this accursed ring!” the genie roared. I jumped.
“Dang!” I said.
“Free me!” the Genie shouted.
“Not yet, go away.” I muttered. The Genie vanished. I crossly set out from the village across the desert.

Day Eighteen of my Future Plans, Being the Twenty-Seventh Day of the Blossom Time

With nothing but stolen bread and apples in my pockets, and two water skins on my shoulders, I crossed the desert on foot. Well actually I am still crossing it. Climbing through the maze of rocks and trudging through the burning sand. Up and down dunes. Always towards the Crystal City which seems to get no closer. But if I keep up this pace, I shall reach the city tomorrow. Beware Won, soon you will feel my revenge.

Day Nineteen of my Future Plans, Being the Twenty-Eight Day of the Blossom Time

Why can nothing go my way? The guards at the gate took one look at me in my wretched sunburnt ragged condition and turned me away.
“No beggars in the city of Jewels!” one roared and pricked me with his spear. I turned away fuming in a rage. But I was not daunted. I circled the wall until I found a small gate. I smashed the lock and broke in. A single half drunk guard tried to apprehend me. I smashed his helm with a rock. Then I scrambled up the wall and leaped to the rooftops. That was a sure way of crossing the city without being stopped. I ran along the sun baked flat roofs, leaped over startled children playing, women washing laundry, and men taking snoozes. I got tangled up in lines of freshly washed linen, but I kept going, heedless of the cries.

I was approaching the palace and the houses were getting finer. The roofs were also getting further apart. If I was careful, I could leap onto a garden wall, and run across that until I reached another roof. Unfortunately, the palace was surrounded by huge wall and there was a about thirty feet between it and any of the other buildings. I would have to walk in thorough the gate. Or maybe fly. The carpet was much drier. It was rather hard to get it dried out when it was rolled up and tied to my back.

I was still standing on a garden wall staring at the palace, when a little ball of white fur leaped into my arms.
“Pluto.” I cried joyfully.
“Verek!” he shrieked. At least that's what the noise he made sort of sounded like.
“Yes, I have come back!” I said with a long sigh, “My dear uncle will regret his behavior mightily.” I clenched my free hand, “If he so much as touches Jasmine, he will more then regret it.” Pluto looked back at the palace and sighed.

Day Twenty of my Future Plans, Being the Twenty-Ninth Day of the Blossom Time

This morning the carpet was only slightly damp. I had spread it flat all night. Now I sat down cross legged on it and silently commanded it to fly. Pluto sat in my lap. The carpet fluttered and slowly rose into the air.
“To the palace!” I cried. The carpet flew slowly upwards and over the rooftops towards the tower of Crystal. “I did it, Pluto!” I gasped, “I made it back!”

The carpet flew over the palace wall and up towards Jasmine's balcony. I shiver ran down my back. Would she be pleased to see me back, or would she be annoyed? Pluto tugged at my sleeve and squealed.
“Oh no!” I gasped, “Carpet, fly to my chamber!” I needed to change my clothes quickly. I looked like a dirty beggar in my current condition. The Carpet did a loop and fluttered downwards. It landed with a bump on my balcony. I stood up. I was reaching for the curtain to enter my chamber when I heard voices. Two people were talking inside my chamber. Jasmine and the Sultan.

“Father, I would never ever marry that disgusting man!” Jasmine cried, “I would rather marry a fop! Any of those foolish princes you presented to me in past years!”
“But darling,” the Sultan protested, “Master Won is your very last choice!” I clenched my hands angrily. I needed to warn them that Won was actually a traitor, but more importantly already married.
“Father.” Jasmine said grimly, “I would stay a maiden forever! You may lock me up in a tower until the end of my days! I tell you, I do not want to get married!”
“I was foolish to let you tell me no, when you were but thirteen!” the Sultan lamented, “I am a fool! I should have realized that you would only get more stubborn!”
“I still would have said no!” Jasmine said stubbornly.
“Please, my little darling.” the Sultan wheedled. 
“Marry Jasper off!” Jasmine said, “I have no desire.”

“Look, if I were to bring the Prince back, would you marry him?” the Sultan asked abruptly. I held my breath. 
“No!” Jasmine snapped. My shoulders slumped.
“But-” the Sultan began.
“I could not merry Prince Verek either!” Jasmine cried.
“Did you say his name is Verek?” Won's voice demanded. I froze again. So Won was in the chamber too. He had finally learned something.
“Prince Verek of the Glittering Island.” the Sultan moaned, “Could have been my son!”

“Magic Carpet, fly to the roof.” I commanded in a whisper as I sat down again. There was no sense in going into the chamber now. I had to be careful or Won would try killing me again. He had already tried to kill me twice. He was going to be more through about it now. I shuddered. I would have to plan my next move carefully.

Day Twenty-One of my Future Plans, Being the Thirtieth Day of the Blossom Time

I wandered through the streets with Pluto wondering what to do. Could I dare risk attempting to fly back to the Glittering Island on the carpet? Would it fail over the desert? Would it fail over the Crocodile Swamps? Would it fail over the Divide? No, I did not want to risk it. Should I wish myself home with the genie? He wanted the last wish for himself. If only I had the lamp. But it was still hidden in my chamber at the palace. Could I dare sneak in and steal it? I rubbed the ring.
“Have you decided to free me?” the Genie asked. I shook my head.
“Soon, but not yet.” I said quickly, “I need advice.” I explained the situation.
“Get the Genie of the Lamp to assist you.” the Genie sneered, “I am but a lowly Genie of a Ring.”
“Could you bring me the lamp?” I asked.
“If you wish for it.” the Genie hissed, “But once I have fulfilled your last wish you are no longer my master and I will easily kill you.” I grimaced. I certainly did not like the sound of that.
“Go away.” I told him. I decided to steal the lamp. I wished I had let Pluto see where I had hidden it. Then he could have stolen it easily without any bother to me. Why had I not calculated all this into my plans along time ago? There was nothing left to do but do it myself. I would wait until dark though. 

Day Twenty-Two of my Future Plans, Being the First Day of the Planting Season

Precisely at midnight, Pluto and I flew through the darkness, lit only by the cold white stars and a sickle moon. We were flying towards my chamber balcony. I sighed softly. I would have liked to look at Jasmine one last time. I would never find another so wonderful and beautiful as her. I would never marry now, I was sure. I had failed at everything. I bowed my head. Was life worth living without Jasmine? No, I was sure that it was not.

Pluto let out an unearthly shriek causing all my hair to stand up on end. I looked over my shoulder. I giant winged shape was at the point of crashing into me. I let out a yell, then we collided. I shot through the air plummeting towards the ground yelling all the way. Pluto was clinging to my hair. I am not sure if I was yelling because I was about to die, or because my head hurt.
“Simba quick!” I familiar voice cried, then I landed hard on the back of a flying animal.
“Ouch.” I moaned.
“If you are going to take a night fly, do watch where you are going!” the princess cried as she turned around. I stared. She gasped.
“Prince Verek?” then she frowned.
“M-my lady, how delightful to meet you again.” I gasped through chattering teeth.
“The pleasure is all yours, Prince.” she said coldly. We alighted in the garden. I slid off the growling Golden White's back onto the hard ground.

I stood up rubbing my new bruises and scowling. Pluto chattered softly. Then the carpet slammed into the ground by my side, missing me by inches. I froze.
“Where have you been?” Jasmine cried, “How could you humiliate my father, so? And myself too, for that matter.”
“It is nigh on impossible to swim the Divide with a chair strapped to their body, then cross a desert all in one night.” I said crossly. My recent fright was making me very unpleasant. 
“What are you talking about?” Jasmine demanded.
“Your father's dear friend tried to kill me!” I said bitterly, “The two-faced double dealing swine!”
“I knew he was evil!” Jasmine cried. Then she turned towards me. “The monkey.” she cried.
“Oops.” Pluto said.
“Are you Aladdin?” Jasmine demanded suddenly.
“Well, I-” I gasped. This was a rather awkward question. Simba growled and moved closer. “Who is Aladdin?” I asked brightening up, “Is he the one that the mythical cave of jewels is named after?”
“Oh never mind!” Jasmine cried and tapped Simba's side with her toes. The lion flew up into the sky. I groaned. I had made another mess of things. Now I would have to go face to face with the Sultan.

Unfortunately, by the time the Sultan heard my story and called for Won's head, my uncle had vanished. It was downright annoying. But for my Madra's sake, I was glad that he had escaped. He may have been evil, but he was still my uncle.

Day Twenty Three of my Future Plans, Being the Second Day of the Planting Season

The Sultan, Jasper, Jasmine and I were seated around a low table eating a late noon meal when Blanche burst into the room. I sat up scattering my cushions in surprise. She was followed by no other then Won himself and half a dozen breathless guards.
“Ah, you caught him.” the Sultan said.
“Caught us, HA!” Blanche cried, “We caught you!” she pulled out a beat up silver lamp from under her cloak and held it aloft. My heart sank. It happened to be my lamp?
“Won, your sister is mad, I have pity on her.” the Sultan said, “You I have no pity on!”
“Careful.” I cried, and leaped to my feet.
“She is hardly going to brain father with that old piece of junk.” Jasper laughed.
“And she also happens to be my aunt and Won's wife!” I spat. I had left that part of the story out conveniently, but there was no sense in hiding it now.
“Wife?” three horrified voices gasped.

“My dear Verek, how delightful to see you alive again.” Won sneered. He took the lamp from Blanche, “I despaired of your life. My dear sister would have been heartbroken. You do realize that you are her favorite. Well it will be a pity to tell her that you died.” He rubbed the lamp. Jasmine screamed as the Genie of the Lamp burst out of the spout in glory. I sighed.
“What, a new master, again?” the Genie grumbled. He glared down at me, “You certainly botched things!”
“Don't blame me!” I yelled, “You were not very helpful in the first place!”
“How delightful, you sound like old friends.” Won sneered, “Well, Genie, I command you to make all of them suffer.” he gestured at everyone.
“You monster!” I yelled. 
“I must do as he says!” the Genie snapped, “Don't blame me!”
“Not you, him!” I snapped.

The Genie pointed at me. I spun backwards through the air and slammed into the balcony on the second floor. I crashed through it and rolled head over heels. I saw stars. When I tried to get up I was flung over the edge, ten feet to the floor below. A little pool of blood dripped off my face onto the floor below. I groaned softly. When I looked up the Sultan and his two children were being forced to grovel in front of Won and Blanche. They strutted in front of my friends laughing. As for the guards they were all hanging upside down on the wall. Won tore tore the Sultan's jeweled turban off and put it on his own head.
“Now I am the Sultan of the Grimwarian Provence.” he said, “I command the lamp!”

“Oh no you don't!” I shouted and leaped to my feet. I stared to run towards him my hands clenched. He would not get away with his evil plans.
“I wish he was abandoned on Desolate Island!” Won said with a yawn and pointed at me. 
“You twice cursed son of a pig!” Jasmine screamed, “Leave him alone you monster!” Then I was shooting through the air. I felt Pluto grasp my left. Then we struck hot sand. I groaned and everything went black.

To Be Continued


  1. Oooh, this is so interesting, I would also love to hear more about Jasmine's character, and perhaps know the background of why she doesn't want to marry. :) (Before Aladdin came that is.)

    1. Hmm... perhaps I should have covered that more. I think it briefly alludes to it, but not much. I'll add more on that in the revised edition.
