Friday, April 26, 2019

DoKP Part 2, Varek's Diary


Diary of a Kidnapped Prince
Part Two

One Terrible Night...
I awoke in a cold sweat. The dream had been very real and vivid. I must recount it quickly before I go to seek comfort from the Queen. For I have at last come to the conclusion that when the Queen embraces me, my memories fade, my dreams vanished. I grow cold and my heart freezes over. I wonder if there is another reason for this besides her wish to take away my fear. I think there must be. But what it is, I do not know.

I dreamed that there was a banquet in a grand glittering palace. Many robed and jeweled royalty were there. The lady of my dreams was dressed grandly, and she held me in her arms. A man with yellow curly hair strode around the room ranting.
“Madra,” he shouted, “I would not let this- this- Bluebeard within a hundred feet of Cassandra if it was the last thing I was able to do.” A little girl, only a little older then myself clutched at the lovely lady's arm.
“Madra, why is Zeno so angry?” she whispered.
“Ya, ya!” someone else shouted and threw some kind of a cake. It hit the wall spattering the yellow haired man, called Zeno. A fight broke out. Two young boys and a girl tried to wrestle him down. Presently a very tall man with no hair upon his head, and an even taller man with a twisted scowl entered.
“What is this?” the bald man roared, and drew his sword, “I shall have the head of the culprit!”
“It was Verek!” I shrieked. The man rushed upon one of the boys his sword raised. I then awoke. 

Surely that horrible dream was not a memory of truth. I prayed that I had not been responsible for this Verek dying. I got out of my cold bed and padded down the frosty tunnels. As I passed the round chamber, I hesitated and slipped in. I tiptoed over to the bauble and put my hand on it.
“Show me Verek, now.” I whispered. The bauble lit up, faded then showed a scene. There was a man lying on a pile of cushions sleeping. He was much older then the boy in my dream, but resembled him strongly. I guessed he was older. There was a pretty lady at his side, but she was sitting up and rocking a baby. I sighed with relief and left the chamber. The horrible bald man had not killed Verek after all. But he was a real person.

I found the Queen and told her that I could not sleep. My dreams hurt. The Queen wrapped her arms around me and started rocking gently. I felt a cold shroud creep over my heart. My memories and dreams faded. I would have forgotten all, I had not taken the pains to write it down before I sought out the Queen. But the fear was gone and the dream no longer seemed real.
This Day...
This day while the Queen was touring her battlements, I slipped into the round chamber. I glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then I approached the bauble.
“Show me the lady.” I whispered. Once more I was shown the cabin in the circle of trees. This time the woman was brushing the golden haired girl's hair. She was braiding red roses into the gold. I decided to give them all names. Mama for the woman. Rose for the golden haired girl. And Snow for the dark haired girl. The names seemed to fit, and it seemed easier to think of them if I could call them something besides the ladies of my dreams.

Snow was on her hands and knees in a garden pulling little green plants out of the dirt. I watched her with interest. I seemed to remember seeing little green plants a long time ago. Suddenly Snow rose to her feet and seemed to be shouting something. Presently a large shaggy ferocious looking animal trotted into the clearing on it's hind legs. I felt a cold shudder run over me. Would they all be killed instantly? Would I have to watch them die? Snow rushed to the beast's side and flung her arms around it. I stared then sighed with relief. The monster was apparently a friend of the family. Mama and Rose got up and approached the beast smiling and talking. I wished I could hear what they were saying.

One Night...
One night I awoke in excitement. All of a sudden I remembered what I called this book. A diary. The memory was quite vivid. I had been much smaller then, but I was seated on the lap of the man called Zeno and we were looking at a book in his hands. 
“This is my diary, little Tarek.” he said, “I write my thoughts down on it's plain pages.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Practice your letters, Tarek.” Zeno said as he flipped to the first page and pointed at the opening paragraph. I could see the words clearly in my mind.

Being the 2nd day of the Frosterdays,
I Zeno being sound in mind and body, I do take it upon myself to write an honest account of what is about to take place this year of my life. This day being the 2nd of the Frosterday. I being not a month past my twentieth year, and in spite of my youth, have taken it upon myself several times to care for my six younger brothers and seven younger sisters. The purpose of this diary is to show proof of future actions, which were done out of care for them. Namely sister Cassandra. She being but fostered into the family so as to maintain the boy, girl, boy, girl pattern. 

“What are you going to do Zeno?” I had asked. Perhaps the words had made sense to me back then when I was younger. But now they sounded like gibberish. But I was still excited with my memory. I was writing a diary like my brother Zeno. For that was who the curly haired man was. My big brother. Of course, how could I ever forget? I sighed. My name was Tarek. In all likiness I would forget before morning. But for this night I would remember that I had a name. I was Madra's little boy, not the Queen's. Zeno was my big brother. And most importantly of all, I had a name. Tarek! 

Another Day...
Another day I went into the Round Chamber with the Queen. She sat in a frozen chair and made lace of snow and tossed it about the room. I approached the bauble and put my hands on it. But before I could say anything the Queen's little girl appeared in the bauble. She was looking right at me.
“Oh.” I gasped at this unexpected sight. I was sure I had not even been thinking of her.
“Hello.” the woman said. I felt my eyes bulged. I had never heard anyone talk in the bauble before.
“Are you maybe talking to me?” I asked feeling puzzled.
“Yes I am.” the woman laughed, “I am Queen Ebony of the Hidden Kingdom.”
“I am the Queen's little boy.” I said shyly. Ebony looked at me.
“You do not seem very little.” she said, “How old are you?” I frowned.
“A long time since the Queen brought me here.” I said at last.
“Are you ten, eleven, or perhaps twelve?” Ebony persisted. I shook my head. The numbers meant nothing to me.
“How is it that I can hear you?” I asked at last, “I could not hear Mama, Snow or Rose, nor Verek.”
“Perhaps that is because you are in my magic mirror.” Ebony laughed.
“Oh, magic like when the Queen makes it snow inside?” I asked.
“Tell me, who is the Queen?” Ebony asked.
“She is the Queen.” I explained, “It is just her and me.”
“Oh that is sad.” Ebony said, “Is there no one else to talk too?”
“No.” I said.

The Queen must have noticed what was happening for she rushed to my side and pulled me roughly away from the bauble. Ebony vanished. I sighed. It had been delightful to talk to someone different. Someone who smiled.
“Little boy, you never ever touch my bauble!” the Queen cried her eyes flashing. I bowed my head and nodded, but the question had already come to my mind, so I looked up and met her angry gaze.
“How old am I?” I asked. The Queen looked startled.
“It does not matter.” she said and flounced out of the room, taking me with her.

One Icy Day...
One icy day the Queen handed me a box of ice, then seated herself on her throne. Designs of snowflakes and trees had been carved into the ice.
“What is this?” I asked.
“An ice puzzle.” the Queen said, “You are old enough to assist me now.”
“Really?” I asked with pleasure. She nodded.
“If you can but solve the puzzle the curse will be lifted.” I turned the box all the way around then frowned.
“How do I open it?” I asked.
“Dear little boy, if I could have discovered that on my own, I would be well on my way to breaking the curse myself.” the Queen sighed. 

I tugged pulled and pounded until my poor hands were bright red and tingling. But not so much as a crack had appeared in the smoothly carved ice. My temper flared. I stood up and hurled the box as hard as I could into the wall. There was a loud crack. Had I broken the box? No such luck. A spiderweb of cracks appeared in the wall, and one gouge in the floor were the box had struck. Not a single blemish had appeared on the box.
“Little boy.” the Queen said, “I have tried that every day for many, many years! Loosing your temper does nothing.” She turned away and bowed her head. Right then and there I vowed that I would open that box if it was the last thing I ever did in my entire life. If I opened the box, perhaps the Queen would let me ride out with her one day and see what it was like outside the icy tunnels.

Last night...
Last night I had a splendid dream. I was running barefoot in a splendid garden that hung with many green plants and beautiful flowers. It was so warm. At my side was a little girl, only a little older then myself. She climbed trees and walls, played chase and had a picnic with me. I could almost taste the delicious food.
“Lets never get married.” the girl said, “We can always live together and play and have so much fun.”
“But who will clean my floors if I do not get married?” I asked in concern.
“The servants silly!” the girl laughed, “Father was teasing you when he said we had to get married or scrub our own floors.”
“But father never makes fun.” I said solemnly, “He is very grouchy.”
“Oh Tarek, you should not say such things!” the girl cried.
“If you do not want me too Greda, I said, I will only say the prettiest of things. But only if I can say them to you.” Greda laughed and hugged me.
“You are a very silly little boy.” she said.
“No I am not!” I argued, “I can already read and write and speak four languages.” 
“You are very smart.” Greda said, “But six is still quite young for anyone, even if you can speak one hundred and forty-nine languages!”
“Xander said he was going to show me how to be the best warrior in all the world.” I said, “Then I can sing poetry in many languages while fighting honorably to the death.”
“You will never die, Tarek!” Greda cried and embraced me tightly, until I screamed for help.

I lay in my bed a long time after waking up. Once I had been a happy little boy with a very dear sister whom I called Greda. I made a list by looking over this book to see what I had learned about myself. My name is Tarek. I have a mother called Madra. I have a big brother called Zeno. I have a middle brother called Verek. I have a sister called Greda who dearly loved me. Snow and Rose must be my sisters too, even though I did not know there real names. I was older then six years. My father was often grouchy. It was not much to go upon, but it was something.

The Following Morning...
The following morning I went straight to the round chamber. I had to see the girl called Greda again. I placed my hands on the bauble.
“Show me Greda.” I whispered. A scene of ice and snow appeared. Greda, now a young woman was forcing her way through driving snow. A boy about her age was trudging after her carrying a large bundle on his back. They were followed by two huge horned animals that were not horses. If there was so much snow, perhaps they were nearby. Was Greda searching for me? Oh if only I could talk to here. Perhaps I would learn more.
To Be Continued

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