Friday, April 12, 2019

DoHP Part 5, Waylan's Diary


Diary of a Hunter Prince
Part 5

Being the Twentieth Day of the Planting Season,

Dear Little Book,
I feel as if I have no time for writing in you anymore. But maybe I should mention that I have been working side by side with Goldie, quite a bit. She truly is the most wanted female rebel. She is quite dangerous. But I have come to think of her as a good friend, and enjoy her company. Perhaps that is the real reason why I have so little time to write anymore. I spend all my evenings and early mornings with her. Nights are when I work and day is when I sleep.

Anyway, today the two of us went were a little walk in the evening. We were not disguised, which is the best disguise if people are looking for cloaks and masks. We passed a patrol of Wolves. One even kissed Goldie's hand. But they did not hinder us. HAHA! What those idiots would have thought if they knew that we were some of their worst enemies, I can hardly think. But it is funny. Goldie showed me her parent's grave. Her father had been accused of tax evasion, and cut down. When his wife had protested, she was killed too. Poor Goldie had barely been rescued by the Hag before the Wolves burnt her house. Goldie was only four at the time, but she said that she could still remember that terrible fire and the scene returned to haunt her in her nightmares.

“Waylan.” Goldie said as we walked across the rail that led over the sewer trench, where the water rushed out of the pipe and into the Divide.
Huh?” I said, as I leaped across to a broken piling.
What is your family like?” she asked. I had never told anyone my identity and neither had Philip, Hugo or Cigore. The less other people knew the better for everyone. The Scourge and the other contacts at the palace were not told that we were all still alive, but they had not said anything about us being dead. In fact we had not heard from them in a long time. I wondered if they had been caught.
Um- my family?” I said, “Well, some are married and some are not, that's about it.”
Waylan!” Goldie protested, “That's not fair! Besides you know all about my family!”
What do you think they are like?” asked in the attempt to be evasive and open at the same time.
Well, I know you came with the foreigners from Glittering Island.” Goldie said. I was startled.
How so?” I demanded. She grinned.
You appeared the same day they did, and you talk funny.” she said. I breathed a little sigh of relief.
So?” I said, “Does that make me an enemy?”
Maybe.” she said and danced off. I was left to mull over her words. How much did everyone really know? Should I be more truthful?


Being the Twenty-Ninth Day of the Planting Season

Dear Little Book,
My fellow masked bandits and myself were masking up, when Goldie burst into the room. Of course we all yelled, even though we were decent.
Ditch the plans!” she shrieked.
Why?” Cigore asked, “I want to kick some Wolf hide!”
Me too!” Philip growled.
The commander has called for a meeting!” Goldie cried. I had yet to meet the commander and wondered who he really was. But apparently he had praised us masked bandits.
When?” I asked. I had not been to a meeting since the very first one I attended, when the rebels decided to make me a rebel.
Now!” Goldie cried, “In the cellar of the Royal Drum.” The Royal Drum was a tavern in the very slummiest part of the Pit. It was anything but royal.

About half an our later, we were wedged into a crowd of dark cloaked rebels in a stinking cellar that smelled of rotten wine. A terrible musty smell. I single candle was wedged into a bottle on time a barrel. The red cloaked commander stood on another barrel, his head only inches from ceiling.
Rebels of the Capitol.” the commander said grimly, “We have heard from the palace!”
What news?” Philip asked rather quickly.
Welcome back Light.” the commander said grimly, “But it is poor news.”
How so?” someone shouted, “What happened?”
The Glitterarian Prince has been slain and us rebels are being blamed!” the commander cried. I cold shudder ran down my back. What was Rushamorn up too?
So who is to say we did not slay the Glitterarian scum?” someone shouted. I cringed. I could feel the eyes of Philip, Cigore and Hugo on me.
The kid was not half bad.” the Scourge's voice rumbled, “I was unable to get out of the palace. Everything was blocked off. Apparently news went to the Glittering Island.”
You mean you were locked in the palace on purpose?” I said gruffly, trying to disguise my voice.
No!” the Scourge cried, “But Rushamorn was keeping his strongest about him and I could not escape without arousing suspicion.”
Who did it?” I asked, my voice hard.
Prince Philip was blamed.” the Scourge said unexpectedly.
Excuse me?” Philip gaped.
Now hang on one darn second!” I shouted, “Did not the Glitterarians go on a hunting expedition with the Ambassador?”
Yes, and both princes, along with a steward and slave vanished.” the Scourge said, “I know, for I was there!” I snorted. This was a lie as we had not moved, it was everyone else that did.
Ha!” Cigore said.
What did you say? “The commander demanded. Philip and I clapped our hands over Cigore's mouth.
Nothing.” Goldie said shrilly from the shadows.
Well,” the commander said slowly, “Then it is time for me to bring up the most important fact.” I wondered what could be more important then my own death.

“We are not enemies of the Kingdom.” the commander said softly, “I would die for my kingdom, which is why I am a rebel. But the Glitterarians have declared war over the death of their Prince. To save the Kingdom, I encourage to rebels to join Rushamorn's army. Even if he is a tyrant and evil to boot, at least he will defend Kildimere.” Low murmurs ran throughout the room. I felt like I was rooted to the floor. This was one nasty mess.
Now hold on a second!” Hugo cried, his small voice, shrill in the silence. Gasps ran throughout the room.
Speak up little man.” the commander said. Hugo darted forward and planted himself in front of the door.
NO!” he yelled, “We have another way to settle this!” Of course, Hugo was right. My heart sank.
There is no other way!” the Scourge barked.
Oh yes there is you two faced stinking traitor!” Hugo screamed and pulled his mask off.
No unmasking!” the commander barked. The Scourge started and stared at Hugo. Obviously he recognized him.
I will unmask!” Hugo protested, looking tiny and lost in the crowd of masked grownups, “Stick to Rushamorn and Maldirk's plan?”
And what is that, little boy?” the commander asked.
For Philip to marry my sister, stupid!” I snapped as I ripped off my mask. Gasps ran echoed throughout the room. The Scourge stared at me as if I were a ghost.

“Obviously Philip killed me since I am standing right here.” I sneered, “Your master's plot failed. We made it out of the swamp alive. Philip, Hugo and the steward you tried to kill to get rid of the evidence.”
Someone please explain what is going on.” the commander said. The Scourge made a mad rush at me, only for Philip to reprehend him. Our identities then came out along with the whole truth, including Captain Ryker's treachery. So he had been Rushamorn's spy all along.” The commander sent him off to be imprisoned by some of his rebels. I fear they would be hard on the traitor. But I was furious with him, so I could care less. Although, I did wonder why Toledio had decided to abandon me. Some companion he had turned out to be. He was so fired.


Being the Thirtieth Day of the Planting Season,

Dear Little Book,
I wrote a letter, and sealed it with my very own seal, then gave it to Goldie. She was the appointed messenger. She would take our my letter to the Glittering Island and deliver it to my parents. We hoped to avert war, by enlightening them. I think Philip still hoped to escape the marriage. But I hoped he would be stuck. It would be nice to have him for a brother.
Listen carefully.” I told Goldie sternly, “Never stray from the path. Head straight to the docks. Slip aboard the first boat you reach and sail straight for the Glittering Island. Talk to no one on the way.”
Waylan, I have a been an outlaw when you were eating off gold dishes!” Goldie snapped, “I know what I am doing!” I doubted that she would ever forgive me fore not telling her that I was the visiting Glitterarian prince. I was forced to be content and let her go. I wished I could have gone myself. But the commander had ordered me to stay. Philip and I were both being sort of held hostage now, to see if we could be used for something useful. I doubted we would be very useful as hostages though. Rushamorn had already tried to kill us both. No one wonder Philip was rebelling against him. Well, at least the Hag was going with Goldie. She would meet her on the docks by an alternate route. I did not like the idea of both of them wandering alone in the city. But together they would be more noticeable.


Being the Second Day of the Green Season

Dear Little Book,
We were taking a beer in the Royal Drum, when Hugo darted in, yelling and dancing excitedly. We told him to calm down, because we could not understand him.
Soldiers!” Hugo screamed. We leaped out of our chairs as the door was kicked in. The Wolves swarmed the tavern, killing on sight. I scrambled up onto the bar and leaped to the rafters. The rebels were cut down or taken prisoner. I released an arrow into the door frame, causing the door to be wedged shut. This confused the Wolves when they tried to fade away with half the rebels dead or prisoner. I leaped out of the rafters on top of them and the fight started over. Everything was used as a weapon. By the time the Wolves escaped, there were only twenty of us of the thirty-five rebels, still alive. All of us were injured.
How did they know to find us here?” I gasped, as I tried to stop the blood from flowing out of my shoulder. I had literally jumped on a spear.
Did the stinking Ryker talk?” someone snarled.
Ryker's dead.” another rebel said with obvious relish, “I know for sure.” I shuddered.
Then who?” Philip asked, as he limped out the door.
Who knows.” Cigore sighed, “Lets just get the heck of here.” But I could not sigh away this new problem. Was there another traitor among us? Speaking of knowing who people are, why did the Commander never take his mask off? I still had not seen his face.


Being the Fourth Day of the Green Season

Dear Little Book,
If I took off my shirt and stood sideways in front of a mirror, I could see the whole long untidy row of black sticks, from the top of my shoulder blade to the center of my back. Hugo had sewed up my wound with horsehair. It hurt worse then anything and looked ugly enough to match. But it was a big wound. The idea of a six year old being my physician was also rather nerve wracking, but everyone else was to squeamish to sew up the nasty cut. When I asked what they usually did, I was informed that none of them usually jumped on top spears. This got a general laugh. I was not amused. But then I was the one being sewed up like an old shirt.

But anyway, that was two days ago. Today I was admiring and squirming at the sight of my horrific mark when Cigore and Hugo burst into my hiding place.
Get out!” I yelled and put my shirt back on. It was difficult since I could not move my left arm above the elbow with stretching stitches.
We think we found out who talked.” Cigore cried.
Take me to them so I can rip out their throats!” I said savagely.
Goldielocks and the Hag were captured right after they left the Pit.” Hugo shouted.
They are in the palace dungeons!” Cigore added. I blanched.
How do you know this?” I gasped.
I went back there.” Cigore said gleefully, “I have been nosing about there trying to find out exactly what everyone's thoughts are on Prince Philip being a murderer.”
And you discovered they were prisoners?” I asked in a low voice.
I heard some of the Wolves talking.” Cigore said sadly, “They said they nabbed the girl and old lady the minute they stepped out of the Pits.”
Call a meeting for tomorrow night.” I said grimly, “We have to get them out!”
No way!” Cigore said, “Your life is worth more then theirs any day!”
Call the meeting, stupid!” I yelled, and kicked him, which caused my stitches to stretch. I howled in pain.

Cigore darted out the door, avoiding my badly aimed kick. I turned to Hugo. He grinned faintly. He probably expected my wrath to turn on him.
Get a knife!” I barked, through gritted teeth.
Why?” Hugo asked, his childish voice tinged with suspicion.
I want you to cut the stitches out!” I cried, my temper flaring.
But they are not ready to come out!” Hugo protested.
To bad!” I snapped. So Hugo cut them out, and I vented my feelings by screaming and cursing.


Being the Fifth Day of the Green Season

Dear Little Book,
The meeting started out poorly. I had barely voiced my decision to rescue Goldie and the Hag when everyone interrupted me.
Impossible!” the commander said, “Every rebel runs the danger of being captured and will not hear of a rescue!”
That is stupid!” Cigore said, “You will just be caught?”
What ever happened to patience?” Philip asked.
You do realize that since the ladies were captured my letter to my father has failed to get through.” I said dryly, “The Glitterarians will still attack, if Rushamorn does not attack first.”
Kildimere will slaughter the Glitterarians.” a rebel sneered.
We already beat you people, remember?” I cried angrily. My right arm was in a sling, completely useless.

“Alright Waylan.” the commander said at last, “What is your plan? It can hardly be worse then what we have going on now.”
I have a companion who, if he was not murdered, must still be in the palace and may be in the dungeons even.” I said, “I intend to find him, explain the truth and send him to my father. My father will certainly take his word more then Goldie's as she is only a girl and he cares little for them.”
In that case, go yourself.” the commander said, “And save time.”
Um- not yet.” I said, “Once in the palace, I shall keep an eye out for the girls. If I find them, I free them, if not-”
You leave immediately!” the commander interrupted. I sighed and nodded.

“This is all a bad idea.” Philip said, then he groaned, “If we had just gone through with this wedding immediately this would never have happened.”
Yes it would!” I interrupted, “Zeno married the Giselladona of Sandstorm Lodge and your father does not seem to be taking that into consideration. We already have an alliance.” I had another reason for wanting to snoop around the palace. I wanted to discover Rushamorn's secret. Why were he and his son apposing forces, if Philip claimed he was not truly after the throne?


To Be Continued

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