Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Ranger's Quest characters

I know these pictures aren't in order, but these are drawings from Rosie and Eleanor's Christmas book, "A Ranger's Quest." Also, I am trying to confuse you. Some of these people are in the Pendragon book which I also need to finish posting.

Alison and Edmund

 Alison Lamorak, daughter of Jacob Lamorak from "The Pendragon Saga." Alison was raised in the palace along with the princess, after her father decided he couldn't take care of his children and a battleschool at the same time.
 Annie, an unimportant girl who works in a tavern.

 Arthur from "The Pendragon Saga" but as he appears in this book, which takes place eighteenish years after the other books.

 Prince Uth and Ash.
 Ash Lamorak. He is Jacob's nephew.
Brainless. An outlaw.

Sir Caleb Dagonet, a younger version of him also appears in the Pendragon books.

 Christina Dereth. Her father is in the second Pendragon book and her grandfather is in the first.
 Edmund the ranger. Ash was his first apprentice. He totally regretted choosing that particular boy.

Edward and Princess Livia. Edward is the main character, and Jacob's son. Livia is King Arthur's daughter. Her hair is short because she had it cut as part of her disguise.
Edward Lamork, brother of Alison and son of Jacob. He is the main character in this book. Edward was raised in an orphanage. Raven the ranger adopted him as an apprentice.

Grown up Edward as a ranger.
Footless and Outlaw.

Queen Gwen. She is also in the "Pendragon Saga." Yes it is a spoiler that she marries Arthur.

Sir Jacob Lamorak.

James Lancelot, the queen's brother. He is also in the "Pendragon Saga."

Sir Kenneth Pelleas, Princess Livia's escort. He is also in the "Pendragon Saga."

The symbol of the Knights of the Red Dragon.

The Mark of the Knights Round.

Princess Livia.

Lord Wilfred Picklducks. The villain.
The orphanage director.

Ranger Raven and his son Apprentice Ranger Ash.

Ranger Raven, brother of Jacob Lamorak. He is pretty grumpy.

Sightless an Outlaw.

Sir Melvix. He also appears in the "Pendragon Saga." It was him that put Ash in the orphanage.

Thomas Derith. Christina's father. He appears in the "Pendragon Saga."

William, an apprentice ranger.
Prince Uth.

Covor art. From right to left. Edward, Edmund, Ash holding Uth, and Livia.



  1. Great pictures, Emily!


  2. Love the pictures. Do any of your characters ever smile, laugh or crack a joke? :D

    1. Thank you!
      Some of the characters were smiling in the above pictures :)
      Actually I have a lot of very happy characters, but good smiles are hard to draw.
