Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Diary of a Frog Prince part 11 (The End)

A Frog Prince's Diary
Jaden's diary

Day 59
Curse me for a weak idiot! Yes, I was still at the well in the morning. I tried to tell myself to stop waiting and leave. When I finally galled myself into starting, I was going so slow, that a grandmother snail with her house, all her grandchildren and their houses, on her back could have overtaken me. Yes, I'm a fool! Living at the palace is a really bad idea!

Suddenly, I heard this shuffling noise in the leaves. Whoops! To late! Might as well not go not! Was what I was thinking. That is until I turned around. You would never believe who it was! Guessed wrong! It was not Elaine! But rather a tiny little girl! Sheesh! Where did that come from?
“Foggy?” she calls and shuffles towards me. A strange terrified sensation entered my heart. Little children and animals do not mix! Anyone can tell you that! If that child got her paws on me- squish- I would literally be as good as dead. With one great hop I leaped over the well. Two more hops and I was leaving her in the dust.

Splash! The sound literally stopped my heart! The surprised screams that followed, literally stopped everything else. I felt so stiff and frozen as I awkwardly shuffled around. The child was in the well, of course, where else would she be when there was no one but yours truly to rescue her. She was splashing about and drowning! What really bad mother let her midget down here in the first place? Well, I couldn't let her drown, but I was to small to pull her out. What was I supposed to do? Well, I thought of everything in one split second. Actually, I made it up as I went along.

I hopped into a tree, grabbed hold of one end of a vine and dived into the well. I found the drowning child and wrapped one end around her. It was work, believe me. She kicked, struggled and generally swallowed more water then I would have though possible. But in spite of these discomforts, I secured her. She was now stuck. Her nose was just above the water line. Not the best of positions, but a lot better then drowning. The next thing to do was go to the palace and find help.

“Princess?” a high pitched voice of an old woman screeched. I jumped. I had been so busy with my work that I had not heard these nurse come down the path.
“Ma-am?” I began. She hardly noticed me.
“Princess Vianna?” she screamed and rushed to the well. So this was the nurse that let the child wander off. If it was my daughter, I would have had the woman fired instantly in disgrace. But at least she was there to rescue the child. Of course I got no thanks at all as the nurse untangled the child and rushed her, dripping in the direction of the palace. Then it occurred to me, that if Vianna was a princess, then she was probably Elaine's sister. I felt a little put out. How come no one told me she had a sister?

I was settling down for the night, when Elaine came. I felt awkward. I had totally forgot about telling her that I would go back to the palace today. What with the excitement of almost witnessing a drowning and taking a hand in the rescue, I had completely forgotten. Well, anyway, Elaine got right down on her knees in the mud.
“That would be your dress, you're ruining!” I pointed out. She ignored me, which I found weird. Instead she picked me up in her bare hands and kissed me! Weird! I can't say I've ever experienced a kiss in human form, but it was not anything like I expected it to be.

Suddenly, a tremor ran through me and I leaped into the air. Elaine made a grab and we both went tumbling into the pond! To my complete dismay I realized that I couldn't breathe underwater. What a fine time to change back into a man. I splashed to the surface, and shook my reddish blond hair out of my eyes. About this time Elaine started screaming. I dragged myself out of the well. How could I have ever found that water comfortable? It was cold, dark and deep. I shivered and wished I had a cloak. My clothes were thin dinner garments, now sopping wet. They had not been made to get wet or wear after the sun went down. I pulled Elaine out of the water. She had stopped screaming and was staring at me with an incredulous look on her face.
“My name is Jaden!” I said, and started sneezing.
“Did I just kiss you?” she asked, her eyes narrowing, “Or was it a frog? Are you a frog? Or were you a frog? I am so confused!”

Day 60
Well, the king is happy. His daughter is getting married. Apparently he had trouble finding her a suitable groom. Plus I guess he thought it was a bonus, that I turned out to be a prince. Yes, I am marrying Elaine. I suppose she is happy that I am willing to marry her after having seen her at her worst. We were eating breakfast this morning in the sun room. I was feeling uncomfortable not being able to flick my tongue in and out at juicy pieces when there was a flash and the fairy appeared. Elaine stood up and curtsied politely.
“How are you my dear?” the fairy asked her.
“Fine thank you, and you?” Elaine said politely.
“Beautiful!” the fairy cooed, “I just knew that if the two of you met you could cure each other!” she said.
“Huh?” both Elaine and I chorused.

“I just explained to Justin that he wasn't really cursed a few days ago, and a couple weeks before that I explained the same thing to James.” the fairy said, as she turned towards me. My eyes narrowed. “Now I'm explaining to you, that you would have eventually changed back with or without a kiss!”
“You're invited to our wedding!” I said icily, as I took Elaine's hand. “Since you did help set in motion the events that led to our meeting, you of course will always be welcome!” I didn't really mean that, it was just a polite thing to say. The fairy nodded.
“Well then my dears, I'm off to help Joseph learn to think about others.” She vanished.
“He's your brother isn't he?” Elaine said as she glanced at me. I nodded. The king laid down his fork.
“That little thief was your brother as well, wasn't he?” he accused me, “You were using my daughter to help you get what you wanted! You are so wretched!” I shrugged. I saw no sense in trying to explain everything to him.
“To bad, I'm still marrying her!” I said. Elaine smiled at me.

To Be Continued
The Diary of Rapunzel's Prince

Joseph's one passion is hunting. He never thinks about others at all. That is until he meets Rapunzel. He must learn to put others before himself and rescue the girl from the tower, where she is imprisoned by an evil fairy styling herself as the girl's mother.


  1. That book was so good! I can't wait for the Diary of the Rapunzel Prince!
    Are you going to post it here? I hope you do:)


    1. Thank you!
      I will start the next Diary soon. And yes I plan on posting it here!

  2. This book was great, Emily! I look forward to Joseph's diary ;)

