Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Prince Charming Diaries, vol 2

Hey everyone, so I finished all the first Prince Charming Diaries. I'm currently still working on a bonus story for the version which I plan to self publish (more on that another time). Anyway, I decided to go ahead and plan out volume 2. I came up with a bunch of fairy tales, now I just need to decide which ones to use, and which one to wait until the possible volume 3. It would be great if all of you would vote on six, in order from your favorite choice to your least favorite choice. Also, I would appreciate suggestions, if you know of a good fairy tale that I should use. :) It would also be awesome if you all voted on a letter of the alphabet as well. Last time all the brother's names started with J. This want them all to start with the same letter again. :D

1 Puss's story (Puss in Boots)

2 Kai's story (Snow Queen)

3 A King's story (Rumpelstiltskin)

4 The Deer's story (Brother and sister)

5 The Hunter's story (Little Red Riding Hood)

6 The Tailor's story (Brave Little Tailor)

7 Hans' story (Clever Hans)

8 Bluebeard/or his wife's brother's story (Bluebeard)

9 The Owner's story (The Flying Trunk)

10 Gluck's story (The King of the Golden River)

11 Ivan's story (The Frog Princess)

12 The Prince's story (The Swinherd)


13 Jack's story (Jack and the Beanstalk)

14 Aladdin's story (Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp)

15 Prince's story (Little Mermaid (Following the ORIGINAL story)

Ones already used
1. James' story (Beauty and the Beast
2. Justin's story (Sleeping Beauty)
3. Jadan's story (The Frog Prince)
4. Joseph's story (Rapunzel)
5. John's story (Cinderella)
6. Jerome's story (Snow White)
7. Kane's story (Princess and the Pea) -Bonus story
8. Elise's story (Wild Swans) -Bonus story

God Bless You All,


  1. I think that you should use
    Aladdin and the wonderful lamp
    Clever Hans
    Jack and the beanstalk
    The owner
    The swinherd

    1. I forgot Aladdin and Jack. Yeah, I should use those ones. Good choices.

  2. You should do the Owners story [flying truck!]

    your letter should be X [haha]


    1. Trunk, not truck. I might do that one. It would be interesting.

      X names- Xena Oh that's a girl name.
      Xavier and I would have to look others up. That would be difficult.

  3. My votes are:

    Snow Queen
    Brother and Sister
    Little Red Riding Hood

    And my votes for the letter of the alphabet are: (I couldn't decided on just one) A, D, or E.

    1. Thanks for your votes. It looks like Aladdin and Bluebeard are the most popular choices so far. :D

  4. Here are my votes:
    1)Aladdin's story
    2)Prince's story
    3)The Hunter's story
    4)A King's story
    5)Kai's story
    6)Puss's story

    Now for a letter......Um..... I'm going to go with T!

    1. Thank you for your votes Kailee. It looks like everyone but Peter voted on Aladdin's story so far.
      But which Prince's story were you talking about? The Little Mermaid one or the Swineherd one?

    2. Oh, Sorry! XD I meant the Little Mermaid!

    3. I was kind of guessing that. :) I'm not doing that one this time around, but I actually want to write it for maybe the third Volume. I'm going to kill the mermaid. :D
