Friday, July 21, 2017

Prince Diaries test

Finally another one of these tests. This one is from the Prince Diaries. Now at least most of you will recognize the characters and can complain how unlike them you are.

Anyway, which one of these characters do you share the most characteristics with?








A. When trapped in a flaming tower with nothing but a mirror, a bed and a quiver full of arrows, what do you do?
1. Calmly rip the sheets up and use it to tie the arrows into a makeshift ladder
2. Sit and think about it for a long time
3. Admire yourself in the mirror. Who cares, you can live with just yourself
4. Jump head first out of the tower
5. Throw the bed out the window then jump down onto it
6. Ask yourself what your wise brothers would do
7. Scream for help
8. None of the above

B. Your dearest in danger of death, what is your reaction
1. Save him/her against all odds
2. Reluctantly think up a plan of rescue
3. Bash the enemy then demand praise from said dearest
4. Shoot the enemy, from behind your dearest. I'm sure they will be happy to protect you from any returning arrows
5. Get help
6. Ask your brothers to save him/her
7. Rip the enemies eyes out. No one touches your love
8. None of the above

C. Pick a book
1. Guide to the history of your kingdom
2. The Sword of Camelot
3. The story about yourself
4. Three hundred different ways to kill a person
5. School book (something your supposed to read)
6. Heroic Quests
7. Romance
8. None of the above

D. Pick a love
1. Someone you can argue with constantly and always win
2. Someone who will criticize you, forcing you to become a better person
3. Someone who worships the ground you walk on
4. Someone to have adventures with
5. Someone nice
6. Someone who will listen when no one else will
7. Someone who will always be there for you no matter the odds
8. None of the above

E. Pick a Hobby
1. Tracking criminals
2. Thinking
3. Yourself
4. Hunting
5. Cooking
6. Talking
7. Being bossy
8. None of the above

F. A random stranger is about to be killed, what do you do
1. Make sure none of your own friends are in danger before rescuing the stranger
2. Try to reason with the killer and make things worse
3. Make sure you are not at risk before rushing to the rescue
4. Jump into the fight without even a thought of the consequences
5. challenge the killer to a one on one battle and hope to win
6. Shriek insults, until the killer leaves the person alone in exchange for your silence
7. Scream for help
8. None of the above

G. What's your thoughts on reading
1. If I have time
2. YES
3. If it is about me
4. Books make good campfires
5. I love reading but it takes me forever to get through one book
6. Who wants to read when they can talk
7. If it's a romance
8. None of the above



  1. Here are my answers:

    a. 5
    b. 1
    c. 6
    d. 7
    e. 5
    f. 2
    g. 2

    -Liz not Lizzy

    1. You are half John and half Justin! That's nice!
      You are also, one part Jaden, one part Jerome and one part Elise!

  2. Replies
    1. You are Jaden! The nicest, prince!
      You are also two parts Justin the thinker, one part Jerome and one part Elise. Interesting! But it's much better then being 100% James! which you aren't at all!

  3. I am Justin, the thinker!

    And two parts John.

    Are you kidding me, I am so boring!

  4. My sister Rosie is an even mix of Jaden, James and Jerome. I didn't expect anyone to get James!

    She is also one part John!

  5. My sister Marigold is almost a hundred percent Elise.

    She is also one part John and one part Jerome.

  6. My brother Kili is also similar to Elise.
    Then he is also two parts John, one part Joseph, and one part Jaden. So he is wiser then Marigold.

  7. My sister Eleanor is Elise as well. Seems to be popular around here.

    She is also two parts James. I think that this description fits her perfectly.

  8. My sister Poppy got exactly the same answers as Eleanor. Hmm.. I didn't realize they were that similar.

  9. Here are my answers:



    1. You are half John and half Elise. Hmm.. all the younger people seem to be having quite a bit of Elise.

      You are also one part Jerome, one part Joseph and one part Justin. What a nice mix.

  10. here are my answers:
    1 (I considered hunting (because of the bow and arrows, which I like), but I decided I couldn't hurt the animals so chose tracking down criminals.)
    1 (I seem to be answering 1 a lot. XD)

  11. here are my answers:
    1 (I considered hunting (because of the bow and arrows, which I like), but I decided I couldn't hurt the animals so chose tracking down criminals.)
    1 (I seem to be answering 1 a lot. XD)

    1. You are Jadan.
      You are also two part Elise and one part Justin.
