Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Diary of a NOT so Charming Prince part 6

The Diary of a Not So Charming Prince
Prince Joseph's diary

Day 11
Dear Sick Me,
Apparently mother decided that I am sick. So what if I have slight headache and my face is all red? Father says I either ate something bad. That could have have been those berries I ate on the way home yesterday. Or that I have been running through poison leaf bushes. I bet both were right. Whoops! Well, anyway, I cannot get back to the tower, because I have stay in bed. The merchant's daughter was nice, and made me a pie. You know what, perhaps she is not as bad as I expected. Elise never made me a pie. I suppose that means that Belle is a better sister then her. The brat told me I was irresponsible and Eleanor agreed. So currently I am mad at both of them, and because I am mad at them, I have to be mad at Jaden and Justin too. After all they did marry them. If I get married, I shall definitely marry someone who has very long golden blond hair. Beautiful sparkling blue eyes, and is tall. This description reminds me of someone. I cannot think who at the moment. I am too sick.
Joseph the miserable
Day 12
Dear Desperately in Need of Good Advice Me,
In the middle of the night, I realized who the woman of my dreams reminds me of. Rapunzel! So I do have a secret love in a tower. HORRIBLE! This is downright embarrassing! First thing in the morning, I made John fetch Jaden. I was going to swallow my pride and ask him for advice. Being the oldest, he probably has some good advice. Hopefully! Maybe there is a way I can ask for it, without making him realize that Elise was right about the girl.

“You want what?” he bellowed when I asked him off offhandedly. Sheesh! Did he think I was not entitled to a little curiosity?
I said, how did you introduce yourself to Elaine?” I repeated.
No, what was the part, where I thought you said you wanted advice?” he gasped. I scowled. I could already tell that his advice was not going to be good. In fact I have this little feeling that just perhaps his advice would be degrading.
Alright, alright!” I snarled, “Just tell me how one introduces oneself to a girl, so they don't toss you out the window!” I cross my arms and tried to look angry. It was a little awkward since I was lying down on a bed.
You are nice.” Jaden began. He sounded week. I scowled harder. I was already nice!
Saving a younger siblings life is a good suggestion.” He added, still sounding like a dying frog. Sheesh! Does that mean I have to save sister Gothel? Why it would probably be me that was trying to kill her in the first place!
Well,” he looked uncomfortable, “It does not hurt to be persistent.”
That is it?” I shouted, “Be nice, save a sibling and be persistent?”
Calm down, Joseph!” Jaden said.
Why?” I snarled, “I'm stuck in my bed, with nothing to do but die, and hear bad advice!”
That was actually good advice!” he retorted. He is really immature. Then he stalked out of the room. I believe I shall sulk for the rest of the day. If the physician says I have to stay in bed one more day, I will slit his throat and leave anyway.
Joseph the sulky but scheming prince
Day 13
Dear Tired Me,
Maybe I should have listened to the physician. My head feels dizzy, and every time Polo jolts me, I feel as if I am falling to bits. UGH! In spite of my pains I made it to the tower in one piece. PHEW! Before calling for Rapunzel and went through my list a few times. Be nice! Save Gothel! Be Persistent! If Jaden can do it, so can I!
Ho Rapunzel?” I yelled. She stuck her blond head out the window.
You again?” she asked, then laughed, “What do you want?”
I want you to let down your hair, so I can come up and visit!” I said. That was pretty nice right? She wrapped her braid around the hook and tossed the end down to me.

Once more I felt repulsed by the idea of touching her hair. But I climbed up anyway. Once in side, she unwrapped her hair and pulled it back inside.
Please, sit down.” she said quietly. Hmmm... it sounds like Jaden was giving her advice too. This is suspicious. I sat down on a straight back chair. She sat down on a tall stool and started rocking it.

“So, why is your hair so long?” I asked. I don't think that was very nice, but I guess I will have to work with it.
My mama never cuts it.” she replied. That's a bit simple, but Jaden said be persistent.
But isn't that a bit long even a bit for never having it cut?” Wow! This conversation is really going poorly!
Er- I think my hair might be magical.” she said. She looking embarrassed. Magic? I must have gotten in with a crazy woman. It might be time to change the conversation.

“So when is your sister Gothel coming back?” I asked. That did not sound as good as if did in my head.
Oh she visits once or twice a weak.” she murmured.
Do you think she may be in danger of death soon?”
Never mind!” This is really going bad.

I was starting to wish that maybe I had brought Jerome to help with the talking, when I Lasso started barking. Rapunzel rushed to the window.
If that is Gothel, please introduce us.” I said quickly, then added under my breath, “Unless of course she has sweet little Lolo with her.”
No.” Rapunzel moaned.
Oh if you don't want to introduce us, then I shall be off.” I felt a bit insulted.
It is mama!” Rapunzel hissed. She looked terrified.
You know what, I hate to brake into a tender family moment.” I said smoothly, “Do you think that perhaps-”
The back window!” Rapunzel cried, and rushed across the room.
Rapunzel?” someone screeched from below. Someone with a nasty voice, “Rapunzel let down your hair!” she sounded cross. Time to go.
Joseph who still won't meet his girl's family

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